Queued 4 battlegrounds and ragequit last one! WHY?
Game one:
3 v4 v4
my team was 3 and 1 of them afk from start
game 2:
3v2v4I was in the group with 3 members. group with 4 farmed at respawn
game 3:
4v2v1 easy win and 0 fun
game 4:
3v4 v4
both my teammates left at start leaving me solo in capture the relic. I got 1 score SOLO and then got farmed on respawn. I quit this game 5 minutes before end to come here and vent
ZOS BRING BACK GROUP QUEUE OR FIX MMR + SOLO QUEUE! Battlegrounds are the last "lag free" place for us to pvp and even watching streamers get these bull groups and quit after 3 of those in a row sais there is something wrong.
Don't want to get banned so not gonna start swearing. OH also got hate /tells in the first game
reported and want to see that guy banned pls
ZOS you are ruining MY / OUR PvP experiences and I am not sure I will stick around if greymoor sucks as much as it looks.
on another note: Give magplar a skill so that we don't have to rely on mistform for the love of god. I don't want to go vampire just so I can survive in pvp! fix your damn classes
Sincerely, a disgruntled and fed up CUSTOMER.