Somewhat familiar to the case of Alliance Change Tokens back before it was confirmed, I found some request for dual-talent system here and there, but those post or forum topics never get the attention they seek for.
Now I’m interested if this is a widely hated idea or just generally not that important feature?
By dual-talent system I mean somehow like WoW made it. You can change your skill tree out of combat and it took atleast 15 seconds. This obviously made them only a QoL, not a bypass for changing talents inbetween situations like used underwear.
Personally I would love the idea. I’m the one-character kind of player, and have a Dragonknight and I play the *** out of the game with it, meaning from doing achievements through collecting all the motifs to the absolute completionism. I love the way that my Two-Handed/Bow Stamina combat build works with it but I also had a ton of fun with my previously used Magicka Fire Staff/Fire Staff build. I used these build for mostly Solo content, but made decent dps in Veteran Dungeons and Trials too and also completed vMA with them. Now I wondered how fun would it be if I could occasionly change my build by a click. I don’t want to do it combat, nor inbetween fight or something, but more like the way in WoW works. So sometimes when I want to play with my Magicka build I would press a button, out of combat (or maybe restricted to be in a city or talk to a special NPC or such) and my spent skills (especially since different builds uses different Morphs of the same ability), champion points, and attribute points would change to the other preset, then maybe I change equipment I took with me, and boom, I’m ready to rock my other playstyle. I would pay the full current cost of retalent (it costs around 20.000 gold for me currently with the skill, champion and attribute points resets), just to skip the copy-from-my-notes way.
I know about the addon that can help to replicate some form of this, but I'm talking about a fully fleshed QoL feature by ZoS. Also, I wouldn't mind pay Crowns for this feature (maybe similar how Outfit Slot buy works).
Edited by Arnoldthehawk on May 19, 2020 8:15AM