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Who else is prepared to cure their vampire characters after Greymoor goes live?

Updates to vampires have been needed for a while. Cool animations are great. New abilities are very welcome. But at what cost? Some players became vampires mainly to assist with sustain on certain builds as vampires came with an increase in recovery on a passive. With the loss of the Supernatural Recovery passive, I've lost my reason to have any vampires. When Greymoor drops, instead of a tradeoff for lost health recovery but receiving increased magic and stamina recovery, I'll just lose health recovery. So I'll be cutting my losses. The priest in Bankorai will get a boom in business for a while. Cool story and new abilities aside, I've made it obvious that I think ZOS dropped the ball here. Feel free to disagree but I suspect I'm not alone in saying losing Supernatural Recovery is a bad idea.
"When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • LeHarrt91
    Im just going to leave them in stage 1. Its no big deal to me.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • Vicinia
    All my characters will have their beautiful skin tones back 💃🏾

    My Templar will miss mist form 😢
  • MaleAmazon
    The only thing my vampire is going to cure is your affliction of being alive.


    To me the vampire changes look good (haven't played pts though). I detested the vampire morph in Skyrim since it forced 3rd person perspective, but in ESO I already play 3rd person 99% of the time so...

    Judging by the patch notes, there seems to be ample opportunity for neat new builds. I was really satisfied with the werewolf overhaul when it first came out and hopefully vampires will be something like that.

    Not even sure I´ll keep playing ESO since I have so much else to do atm, but the changes look quite good to me. Of course, people who didn´t actually play vampires but played "vampire passive PvP" will have to look elsewhere. Fine by me.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on May 19, 2020 5:54AM
  • Kurat
    Already cured my toons
  • Glurin
    I'd say they were quite successful in achieving what they set out to do.

    Think about it. If you've got a ton of people just taking vampire by default for the recovery passive and ignoring the rest of it, then it's only natural that there would be a lot of them curing themselves after the rework and the passive goes away. It essentially reset the decision of being a vampire. So think of it more like making that decision for the first time. Do you want your character to be a vampire?
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • tomofhyrule
    I dunno. I've never really been into vampires; the only one I have is a mule alt now. Werewolves are cooler.

    Still, I can kinda see where they're coming from for this. It seems that almost every endgame build recommended online either recommended or required vampirism solely for Supernatural Recovery. Vampirism became this thing that everyone had to have since the pros (the passives) significantly outweighed the cons of washed out tattoos and fire weakness (which itself was mostly mitigated by the Undeath passive). You rarely saw anyone using the vampirism skills, and you never saw anyone going around feeding since there was no reason to not be stage 4.

    OP said it yourself: some people get infected only for sustain, and your entire reason to have vampires was one passive. Now considering the lore is all "vampires are rare creatures who accepted this horrible curse for power," it is a bit more aligned now that it's not a mandatory thing for every endgame build.

    Based on the patch notes, vampirism is now being made into something that you need to choose to use, what with the decrease in cost of vamp abilities/increase of others. Of course that's throwing a wrench into everyone's builds now since nobody was really playing vampires before, they were playing their normal build with a bonus to recovery. Now vampirism's got some drawbacks to it and expects you to play as a vampire.

    I may test it out a bit, and I do like the RP aspect so I may have a reason to play it for a bit - I can see where it would fit into my story. But vampirism will be a lot rarer in game, focused around the RPers and people who want to play a vampire instead of the latest min-maxed class. And now with them in the justice system too, that adds another fun layer of RP (imagine that, RPing in an RPG...).

    I will say that the NPC animations look loads better than what we're getting though. I've also never been a huge fan of the Blood Scion form - I'd have rather kept an ultimate like the Bats and include the Scion as a morph thereof - but I'll have to see how it plays. The changes don't affect any of my characters though, so I'm not mad about it.

    But werewolves are still cooler.
  • Everstorm
    In what sort of manner would you need to prepare or be prepared for this? Odd title really.
  • spartaxoxo
    I am so gonna cure mine. Although I had her as a Vamp to offset the racial balance changes they made a while back, as I didn't want to be a Breton. Now maybe I will need to become one. :(
  • Saubon
    I'm gonna keep it, stage 1 isn't so bad.

    In trials it will be good option for melee mag players because blood for blood spammable cost health and not magicka- no sustain issues, no false god set.

    And for pvp, strike from shadows+new master staff can add a lot to burst combos

    EDIT: I know this isn't something you wanted to hear, because this is supposed to be a rant thread, but whatever :smiley:
    Edited by Saubon on May 19, 2020 6:59AM
  • VoidCommander
    Vicinia wrote: »
    All my characters will have their beautiful skin tones back 💃🏾

    My Templar will miss mist form 😢

    Assuming you are magicka. Magplars should absolutely stay stage 1 vampires. They are the only dos class that can safely use blood frenzy without needing to cast secondary healing abilities. It is literally a free +3-6k dps increase when used during puncturing sweeps.
  • Lintashi
    Going to cure my vamps. Really sad, I played vampires for years, and my main is vamp healer. I never really cared for passive, but current nerfs just do not cut it. Even on stage 1, I am weaker than non-vamp, without any benefits. Those changes are going agains the lore and common sense. Greymoor vampire is glorified bloodfiend, weak trash mob, with sneaking being only thing it is good at. If someone disagrees, please, post here any build, where vampire healer or tank, or even dps is JUST AS GOOD as non-vampire counterpart. Please, no 'build around it' rubbish, noone wants to play as intentionally weaker character, unless rp. Also, maybe someone has new trial Aegis video, with vamps in raid, on vet please, unless it is not possible because vamps are not good enough, with all this changes. I also liked all those 'changes are good, I never tested though)'
  • kichwas
    I've always felt being a vampire or a werewolf should be a net negative not positive - so from my perspective they haven't nerfed them enough.

    That noted; I've felt vampires and werewolves have been an overused cliche for a long time - so I'm not buying Greymour for either of it's two major lore aspects... I'm getting it for the fact that it's in Skyrim and it's part of ESO.

    So I'm not curing my vampires because I don't have any. Likewise werewolves.
    Jah bless
    PST timezone - mostly PvE player.

    Super casual player
    Seeking a casual 'lets do some dungeons and world stuff together' guild.
  • Rake
    All stamina vampires will get cured for sure.
    Most magicka vampires will end stage one if not cured
    As I stated so many times already I dislike the changes a lot.
    ESO was advertised and sold as "play as you like" game, ton of changes during the years were made to make game casual player friendly, and now this thing that has no ties to any of their previous changes.
    Sometimes I feel like there are 3 very small, separate dev teams that have no communication between them at all making tweaks on ESO.

    They literally made vampires unplayable for new players.
  • Hurbster
    I have one vampire character that is a vampire because I wanted a vampire character, not because of the passives. So no. Looking forward to him actually feeling like a vampire, with all the strengths and weaknesses.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Kadoin
    I hope not, vampire girls so cute! Maybe all my chars should become vampires!
  • Gythral
    Already started...
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Vicinia
    Vicinia wrote: »
    All my characters will have their beautiful skin tones back 💃🏾

    My Templar will miss mist form 😢

    Assuming you are magicka. Magplars should absolutely stay stage 1 vampires. They are the only dos class that can safely use blood frenzy without needing to cast secondary healing abilities. It is literally a free +3-6k dps increase when used during puncturing sweeps.

    I don't pve much anymore bud, if I do it's not on Templar. I either tank on nb or dps on Stamcro. Vamp is DOA for me.

    I appreciate the insight though.

    Edited by Vicinia on May 19, 2020 8:25AM
  • Danikat
    I made a vampire because I wanted a vampire, not because they were popular for Youtube builds. It might change what kind of build I come up with when he finally gets to level 50 but that's all.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • MarzAttakz
    Curing on all but my Magplar and Magblade.
    PC EU
    Qura Scura | Altmer | MagBlade
    Lhylyth | Breton | MagPlar
    Nhynyth | Khajiit | MagDK
    Ghwynyth | Dunmer | MagSorc
    Loots-All-Urns | Argonian | MagDen
    Shades-Of-Gray | Argonian | StamDK
    Or'Chastration | Orc | StamSorc
    Little Miss Famished | Orc | StamCro
    Fhane Sharog | Orc | StamDen
    Dead Moons Rising | Khajiit | StamBlade
    The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.
  • Olen_Mikko
    I will and it is fine. They should nerf the power creep / infinite resource management even more, to balance this game
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • Uryel
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Some players became vampires mainly to assist with sustain on certain builds as vampires came with an increase in recovery on a passive. With the loss of the Supernatural Recovery passive, I've lost my reason to have any vampires.

    And this is why this change is a GOOD thing. There should never hve been a default go-to line for everyone for everything. I'm not gonna lie, I'll miss the recovery on my one vampire (out of 10 characters), but the new skill line makes so much more sense. Except maybe the ultimate, which is a copypasta of the necromancer's bone goliath.

    Now, if we could have a different key for the blade of woe and for feeding, I'd be really impressed.
  • Uryel
    Vicinia wrote: »
    My Templar will miss mist form 😢

    Will he, though ? I think mistform is still a thing.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    kichwas wrote: »
    I've always felt being a vampire or a werewolf should be a net negative

    May I ask why we should make ourselves intentionally weaker in an mmo? For sp games, do as you please, but wanting those staple choices to become straight up nerfs seems a bit odd.

  • rpa
    I'll see how vampire plays when performance is fixed and then decide.
  • TheShadowScout
    I made my vampy alt for the sole purpose of having one vampy alt to see how that works, what a vampire in ESO can do or cannot do... and I will keep her vampy for exactly that reason, no matter how game mechanics change! Same reason why my part-time furry nord will remain like that forever, no matter what they might do...
  • 5cript
    I have to try them first.
    Might even improve my DPS on some chars with lots of healing.

    I will miss the stealth passive, because sustain.
  • Snowstrider
    No longer Tank meta right? Finally my tank can look good again
  • D3N7157
    Curing all my vamps as soon as the patch hits.
  • Uryel
    Ah man, I'm not gonna make friends with that, but damn, it feels good to see all those meta boys crossed by the vampire changes.

    The same that were all "deal with it, git gud" when the racial changes ripped stealth out of the bosmers. The same that were saying "it has no purpose in trial, so who cares". And now their default multipurpose go-to skill line for sustain becomes an actual, meaningful skill line, and they throw a tantrum. Poor little things.

    First time in two years I'm saying this, but I kinda like this update. Not for the fact it upsets all the " Elder Spreadsheet Online", that's just added bonus, but it's going to make vampires interesting to play instead of just a gimmick. I might turn more characters into vamps.
  • Erelah
    I am a casual PVPer I spend most of my time running dungeons, Doing trials, and doing overland content. A good number of my characters are the dreaded hybrid as I hate how staves work. From day one vamp has given my stamina characters some benefits (tanking with the less damage) and now it won't. If I had some stamina skills to make it better I will have more vampires after Greymore.

    I was hoping we would get more of a vampire kit to support the game play. My magicka healer / DPS chars don't see any benefits of the vampire skills either. I am not seeing any benefits in being one. Except for speed runs where I can turn into a shadow and run pass everything. At least a Bosmer who turn into vampires can be somewhat stealthy again.
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