Unable to interact with Valsirenn outside the Crystal Tower during A Necessary Alliance...

...after defending the two Sapiarchs. Anyone else had this and found a way round it?

Relogging, /reloadingui, fast travelling elsewhere, etc. does nothing to help.
  • Badhat
    Tried again this morning, same issue...
  • VaranisArano
    Have you tried abandoning the quest? You may have to go back to Artaeum to pick it up from Oriandra again.
  • redgreensunset
    Are you on pc and do you uuse addons? If so try disabling all of them, close the game and restart. That has always fixed similar issues for me as well as the "npc missing" bug.
  • Badhat
    Thanks both - abandoning the quest worked in the end. Interestingly, it made me realise that the dialogue between Valsireeen and the two Saps when you first meet her kicked off again when the quest bugged out, i.e. when I returned to the door after defending the whatsits (technical term), when it corrected itself different dialogue occurred.
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