Hi, returning player here who would like to see the older collectors editions for dlc back on sale.
Id really like to unlock the missing dlc for my account, but for how i've settled this time round, the only way i can rationalise getting the older dlc's is by the 1/2 price reissue of the collectors editions.
This is the third time or so i've returned, and the whole game + esoplus + crown store is finally stable.. i play with eso+ generally, but that's completely driven by the want for crowns. After i bought the cat bank, im very happy also playing with non eso plus as well. Regarding the dlc, while i would like to have to have it unlocked always, im also happy to accept only doing the dlc while on eso plus, even not bothering to play them again if i've completed the content once before. So the only way that makes sense for me to get the dlc is including the junk from the collectors editions, and at 1/2 price (or full price for the normal).
Its not a matter of frustration or anything, but id really like to purchase the collectors dlc's.. certainly id be double buying crowns etc to do it, and its a shame they're not available.
ps. random trivia. Id don't think i would have ever left if i didn't make the terrible mistake of picking templar as my first class. Its so boring. I bet so many people left the game from this sad and sorry mistake :P It should be deleted or redone its that boring. I love the warden and nightblade classes, enough to make it to getting a real feel for the mouse targeting + ability queue + dual weapons stage.. and really enjoying the combat now. Its so good.