clocksstoppe wrote: »It's almost as if they resemble monsters
Bradyfjord wrote: »I am okay with gear that doesn't look the way I like. After all, we have an outfit station to change something we don't like.
I just wish our items we get colored more consistently in the outfit system. There are a lot of items that are too shiny or too dull for my liking. And some things just don't pair well together, in my opinion.
Most monster sets are indeed incredibly ugly. Actually, most of the headwear in ESO is so ugly it is insulting. I don't understand why they keep designing crap like this. A pity because most of the other armour pieces in the game are generally very well done and much better in design than other MMO's!
barney2525 wrote: »Who cares what you are 'actually' wearing when you can make the character look as good as you want with the Outfitter?
I don't understand what the big deal is.
No, it doesn't. ESO makes it inordinately easy to earn gold, and using outfits comes nowhere close to being prohibitive. In addition, there are cheaper and more expensive options, and sometimes the cheaper options are exactly what your need for your intended look.Grianasteri wrote: »But outfits, decent outfits using rare motifs, cost a lot of gold. Changing outfit costs a lot of gold.
Here you have my full agreement, but then I despise the clown store, and few things would make me happier than watching it go down in a fire and being able to actually earn [Snip] stuff by playing.Grianasteri wrote: »One way to get around this is to purchase additional outfit slots, which costs real money in the Crown Store.
UGotBenched91 wrote: »So, maybe this isn’t a popular opinion but I strongly dislike how monster sets look. They just stand out and look ridiculous to me. I like the concept of wearing the defeated monsters parts but clothes not look so dumb. Again, maybe it’s just me. And yes I know I can hide or cover with outfit but it would be nice if so didn’t have too.
Do you like the appearance of these sets? Why it why not?