Hybrid DK in Greymoor Chapter?

Greymoor is bringing me back to the game after several years away, and this time I'm determined to play characters that I find fun rather than chasing the meta so hard. I mostly play solo PvE and sometimes PvP, so I just want a character that can handle themselves on the overworld (solo world bosses, normal dungeons, etc).

I have a Dark Elf MagDK that I made years ago when DEs actually got boosted flame damage. Now I'd like to convert her to a hybrid 2h/Flamestaff battlemage. I'm wondering if there are any viable hybrid options in this new chapter or recent ones I missed other than Pelinals + something. Any new set combos that would work for a hybrid DK?

If stacking weapon damage through Pelinals is still the best approach, could anyone offer a returning player some advice for how to find/hire someone to craft for me? I only have 8 traits on all my crafting (no nirnhoned), so I can't make pelinals for myself, and I can't find a single piece of it on guild traders. Any advice on how to find a friendly crafter if I'm not in a guild?

Thanks in advance!
  • zvavi
    Any advice on how to find a friendly crafter if I'm not in a guild?

    First option is stating your platform and server, if PC EU I can help.
    Second option is to find a friendly guild.

    All in all I would go new moon acolyte with mechanical acuity and vMA backbar. I think.
  • Stx
    If you are looking for hybrid DK builds I would recommend hacktheminotaurs solo dk hybrid build on YouTube as a base and then tweak it as you want. For solo pve that is.

    For pvp search the pvp forums for "Hybrid dk" there used to be a guy that made hybrid dk builds and posted 1vX videos. I would use his build as a template. I think he used pelinals/fury.

    Sorry I cant think of any better sources.
  • Sluggy
    I played around with this very idea during the first week of the PTS. The mythic item Thrassian Stranglers looked really good for the first couple weeks but after the last patch I'm not so sure about it anymore. I was willing to put up with 40% extra damage while wearing heavy armor as a Nord. But with reduced healing taken too, think I'll pass. I mostly went Nord because that's what I already have but Dunmer would certainly be a good option too.

    The setup I used was Thrassian, NMA, Pelinal's, 1-piece Kena, with the maelstrom inferno staff on the back and a precise NMA greatsword on the front. 5/1/1 heavy, all max stam glyphs and all attributes spent on stam. I specced heavily into the Atro CP and the rest in ritual and left the Apprentice alone. Sugar Skulls food and I think I went with the Shadow mundus (could have also been the lovers, can't remember).

    On a 6m dummy I hit 37k DPS and on a trial dummy it was about 61k. Nothing amazing but at least it's viable for most vet dungeons and probably normal trials too.

    It definitely makes Hybrids a viable option in terms of damage though. But, the rotation needs to be super tight and you'll always be on the edge of running out of resources and you're never going to be anywhere near the damage that other builds can achieve using Thrassian. You'll also need to be willing to mix a heavy into each rotation. It can be fun and interesting and it's worth it just for style points.
    Edited by Sluggy on May 10, 2020 7:07PM
  • Stx
    For hybrids I would use torc of tonal constancy. 450 stamina and magicka regen before buffs is a ton and pelinals builds also are hard to build sustain into.

    Pelinals builds also have low crit so malacaths band of brutality would be fantastic for damage.
  • VeritasWaits
    Stx wrote: »
    If you are looking for hybrid DK builds I would recommend hacktheminotaurs solo dk hybrid build on YouTube as a base and then tweak it as you want. For solo pve that is.

    Funny that's exactly the video that inspired me (I love his stuff). I'm just wondering if there's a different approach I could take instead of using Pelinals since I can't currently find or craft it. At least New Moon shows up on guild traders. I've been thinking of pairing it with either Shaklebreaker, Ancient Dragonguard, Mechanical Acuity, or possibly even Clever Alchemist with some potion cooldown reduction jewelry.

    Would you suggest 5 heavy armor? One advantage of Pelinals is you can still kind of focus on stamina and medium armor, but if you're doing a genuine resource split then would heavy be the best compromise?

    Also, I'm on PC NA server, so if anyone reads this and could help me with 9 trait set crafting just hit me up.
  • emsuperman24
    Shameless plug


    Not exactly what your looking for, but might get the gears spinning.
  • Stx
    Dont settle for just what you can find on traders. Just focus on getting the materials you need and keep looking for 9 trait crafters, they arent super rare.

    Pelinals works well on a DK because of the class 10% weapon damage buff.

    Pretty much all the good crafted hybrid sets are 9 traits anyway.

    Edit: I can craft 9 traits in medium and heavy and also in greatsword and shields... on PC na.
    Edited by Stx on May 11, 2020 3:13AM
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