Hello, I'm new to these forums and pretty new to ESO.
I don't normally invest in cosmetics, but since we're in lockdown and i've got nothing better to spend my money on, I gave it a whirl. I've created 10 characters, so it was my plan to get some sparkly, flashy mounts to jazz my characters up a bit. Long story short...
60 crates and £120.00 later, I got a grand total of 0 mounts. I thought I'd get a mount in the first batch of 15 crates, but ended up putting it down to bad luck and on to the next 15. You can guess how the rest of the story goes. I've ended up losing all the items I got from the crates by extracting gems, just to get the 1 mount. £120.00 for one mount. I feel like i've been suckered.
Is this pretty normal with crates or have a been extremely unlucky?
Is it purely RNG? If so, techinically, you could spend a shed load of money, without getting something decent.
I've played DOTA 2 and they have a system where the more crates you buy, the more the odds increase of getting some of the more rarer items.
If someone has had a similar experience, please share, it'll make me feel better.
Cheers & stay safe.