I don't know about anyone else, but I am excited for Greymoor and the re-vamped vampire skill line. Between the powerful antiquity / mythical items, changes to gear sets, and introduction of "critical resistance for all", there are plenty of build options moving forward. I have a feeling magcro will be very powerful, particularly for large scale pvp.
Here are some of my thoughts:
It will be hard to take off necropotence and it will be difficult not to run harmony jewelry for use of avid graveyard.
The new set that maxes you out with an added 3k SD also seems a must but very dangerous for the solo player.
I am considering therefore running this with stuhns favor in HEAVY, in order to push the boundaries of the class's innate damage mitigation and self-healing. I figure if my max magicka is sufficient, my spell damage is incredible, and I can proc stuhns favor reliably, why do I need light armor?
As for a monster set, I will likely keep it simple: something like domihaus or kena 1 pc should be fine.
That makes: 5 necro/5 stuhns heavy/ 1 Domi/ 1 strangler, lightning staff/restoration staff.
If you are a vampire too, like I am, the possibility to ramp up one's spell damage goes further but at a price, if you see a theme here.
A taste for blood + elusive mist (+ the passive that grants damage when exiting mist form) may be a way to use the spell damage to strike quickly but return to a state of near invincibility. The blood mist form heals as well, and I am thinking that in pvp a necro will have to rely on moving between these two toggles to maximize its damage output while retaining survivability/ minimizing the cost.
For this build I have chosen imperial: nice defensive stats and skill cost reduction.
Your thoughts?
Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer
sanguinare vampiris