Since you have been gone since 2014 my guess you will have allot of gaming to do before you get to high end content where the lag hurts game play.
Thank you everyone. I will do a character and try PvP to see performance. But there is no prime time in NA ?
Noggin_the_Nog wrote: »Thank you everyone. I will do a character and try PvP to see performance. But there is no prime time in NA ?
When I started, over four years ago, my first character was on NA server. Did not realise there were two servers! I was very new to ESO and although being based in the uk thought that was the only option.
Now currently CP1290 on NA, CP1060 on EU, and a four month old second NA account with CP460.
I prefer playing on NA -
Crafting Writs - seem much quicker on EU during non-prime time. I do 12 on EU and 16 on NA daily.
PvP - I level all my alts from level 12 to 50 in PvP. NA is far superior, particularly during prime time - 11:00 to 06:00 GMT.
Undaunted Pledges - again better on NA.
Trials - bad on both.
If you do start on NA, I'd suggest creating a crafter first. It took me four months on my new account to reach Grand Master Crafter, and she still has a few traits to learn.
You can transfer 'stuff' between same server accounts - mail or guild bank, but not between servers.
Good luck.
Aloha beautiful people
I am old player, playing ESO since April 2014. I am wondering, if I should go to NA Server just for better performances. Na Server I Have 170 latency and EU Server 80. But EU server can often go to 300+ with lot of FPS Drops and desynch and unplayable raid like Sunspire or HoF because lot of lag. I have to mention, Server PvP in EU in prime time... well everyone knows the terrible state.
Is it worth it to restart crafter + tank + dps + healer in NA Server ? Who has migrated and can give me some informations ?
It is a serious question. Ty for all
You def do want to start a crafter well ahead although like Eu, Na has a lot of good guilds where people will always help
Mancombe_Nosehair wrote: »1,000 times YES! I did it a year ago, and have no regrets. Assuming you are on pc, it falls over less often, and has less lag. Crowns are cheaper to get with gold too.
Every time the eu server falls over, it reminds me what a great decision it was to move over.
We have an eu refugee guild if you wish to join us. Send me a friend invite @luton0watford4, and I will invite you.
If you decide to go back to eu, your account will be waiting for you, so you won't lose anything, only time, if you change your mind again.
Mancombe_Nosehair wrote: »1,000 times YES! I did it a year ago, and have no regrets. Assuming you are on pc, it falls over less often, and has less lag. Crowns are cheaper to get with gold too.
Every time the eu server falls over, it reminds me what a great decision it was to move over.
We have an eu refugee guild if you wish to join us. Send me a friend invite @luton0watford4, and I will invite you.
If you decide to go back to eu, your account will be waiting for you, so you won't lose anything, only time, if you change your mind again.
@Mancombe_Nosehair I hope you are still playing. I messaged you in game, hoping to join your guild. I am @jaythealmighty