Unfortunately there are no changes to races. Metas are staying put.
Just so everyone is clear, racial META is responsible for like 2% optimization. I don't even adjust CP if I'm within 2%. No need to race change for optimization unless you're in godslayer prog, a meta ***, or because you just want something different. The number 1 dps class for stam is orc, for mag it's altmer, #2 for both is Dark elf, and #3 is Kajiit, followed by the sustain races and finally the "off" races, like a mag reguard or a stam breton. The difference is 2% or less if you're not playing an "off" race, and if you are, the difference is still pretty small, idk maths on it though, I'd estimate maybe 5-7%.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »