after pulling the highest damage of the trial and when everything was said and done one of the tanks goes
"Oh and just so everyone's clear, werewolf are NOT welcome in trial groups typically"
colossalvoids wrote: »
Not sure who you're referring to but as for current pts cycle ww doing about the same damage as well measured build with actual rotation and even better than some classes can pull so it have potential but by serious group he probably meant score pushing, etc. as one bar builds shouldn't be the ones wielding best results for minimal effort. It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
colossalvoids wrote: »
Not sure who you're referring to but as for current pts cycle ww doing about the same damage as well measured build with actual rotation and even better than some classes can pull so it have potential but by serious group he probably meant score pushing, etc. as one bar builds shouldn't be the ones wielding best results for minimal effort. It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
Stamplar would like a word with you regarding minimal effort and still pulling high dps......
colossalvoids wrote: »
Not sure who you're referring to but as for current pts cycle ww doing about the same damage as well measured build with actual rotation and even better than some classes can pull so it have potential but by serious group he probably meant score pushing, etc. as one bar builds shouldn't be the ones wielding best results for minimal effort. It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
colossalvoids wrote: »It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
colossalvoids wrote: »It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
And yet still looked upon as a meme.....I just don't get it. And as far as this minimal effort goes....yea, have you seen a Stamplar rotation? But that's meta and you press like 4 skills.....Light attacking is all the rage with a few class skills thrown in, check the logs....most times biggest hitter is light attacks?
I dunno, just seems kinda weird to me something that works is frowned upon. Crazy MMO world...
But I will add that the feeding bit is a bit of a pain in the butt.....
stevenyaub16_ESO wrote: »I've done some vSS, vMoL VHoF as a werewolf. It's fine, just not in any non-melee trials or HMs.
But you can't use that *** molag/bloodmoon everyone does because that dps/cleave is too low.
colossalvoids wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
And yet still looked upon as a meme.....I just don't get it. And as far as this minimal effort goes....yea, have you seen a Stamplar rotation? But that's meta and you press like 4 skills.....Light attacking is all the rage with a few class skills thrown in, check the logs....most times biggest hitter is light attacks?
I dunno, just seems kinda weird to me something that works is frowned upon. Crazy MMO world...
But I will add that the feeding bit is a bit of a pain in the butt.....
By whom? New players have a problem with watching too much endgame youtubers that doing ir, gh or godslayer runs and refering their builds and advices to same minded individuals and not newer players mostly thats why everyone picks meta races and can't sustain/dies every single mechanics but thinking it's alright. Same with ww, no one would care in any normal pug, veteran non dlc dungeon or trial.
Lmao If you press 4 buttons it's dummy parsing. Where exactly is a difficulty difference between stamplar and for example stamsorc? Same (depends on build)amount of dots, same dynamic element (bd versus potl) and still 2 actual bars unlike ww.
colossalvoids wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
And yet still looked upon as a meme.....I just don't get it. And as far as this minimal effort goes....yea, have you seen a Stamplar rotation? But that's meta and you press like 4 skills.....Light attacking is all the rage with a few class skills thrown in, check the logs....most times biggest hitter is light attacks?
I dunno, just seems kinda weird to me something that works is frowned upon. Crazy MMO world...
But I will add that the feeding bit is a bit of a pain in the butt.....
By whom? New players have a problem with watching too much endgame youtubers that doing ir, gh or godslayer runs and refering their builds and advices to same minded individuals and not newer players mostly thats why everyone picks meta races and can't sustain/dies every single mechanics but thinking it's alright. Same with ww, no one would care in any normal pug, veteran non dlc dungeon or trial.
Lmao If you press 4 buttons it's dummy parsing. Where exactly is a difficulty difference between stamplar and for example stamsorc? Same (depends on build)amount of dots, same dynamic element (bd versus potl) and still 2 actual bars unlike ww.
Yea, Stamsorc falls into that same as Stamplar…..wrecking blow/ba…..blah blah....occasional buffs and repeat. also I don't follow those "end-game" youtubers and the like. I watch them, sure, butnot for builds and such as most times its just dummys or their trials. don't see too many hoping on and just doing content....a few do and that's fun.
And don't get me wrong...Im not "pro WW" or anything only having just now realized I haven't played as one. Just in looking around and asking about the class/skill-line I notice a void, that's all.
colossalvoids wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
And yet still looked upon as a meme.....I just don't get it. And as far as this minimal effort goes....yea, have you seen a Stamplar rotation? But that's meta and you press like 4 skills.....Light attacking is all the rage with a few class skills thrown in, check the logs....most times biggest hitter is light attacks?
I dunno, just seems kinda weird to me something that works is frowned upon. Crazy MMO world...
But I will add that the feeding bit is a bit of a pain in the butt.....
By whom? New players have a problem with watching too much endgame youtubers that doing ir, gh or godslayer runs and refering their builds and advices to same minded individuals and not newer players mostly thats why everyone picks meta races and can't sustain/dies every single mechanics but thinking it's alright. Same with ww, no one would care in any normal pug, veteran non dlc dungeon or trial.
Lmao If you press 4 buttons it's dummy parsing. Where exactly is a difficulty difference between stamplar and for example stamsorc? Same (depends on build)amount of dots, same dynamic element (bd versus potl) and still 2 actual bars unlike ww.
Yea, Stamsorc falls into that same as Stamplar…..wrecking blow/ba…..blah blah....occasional buffs and repeat. also I don't follow those "end-game" youtubers and the like. I watch them, sure, butnot for builds and such as most times its just dummys or their trials. don't see too many hoping on and just doing content....a few do and that's fun.
And don't get me wrong...Im not "pro WW" or anything only having just now realized I haven't played as one. Just in looking around and asking about the class/skill-line I notice a void, that's all.
Wasn't specifying about you but players who "look at ww as a meme" you mentioned. As you clearly can play one with decent success, get flawless conqueror or have a team that don't mind you playing how you want IF you can play it well enough and not gimping yourself by it.
About stamsorc i meant more that all classes now at the point of being more boring and less different overall. If stamplar is easy than stamblade is not that much harder also as for now. Maybe for newer players but can't tell how classes feel now without remembering how they were behaving previously. For me it comes down to thought that well executed two bar rotation on any class should wield better damage than easy one bar build with almost no downsides being one.
AngelaWasp wrote: »Werewolves have never been welcome in vet / prog group trials, even in Wolfhunter patch.
AngelaWasp wrote: »Werewolves have never been welcome in vet / prog group trials, even in Wolfhunter patch.
And yet Vampires are, meaning people that have used the skill-line for buffs and such even though they make themselves more likely to die in the bad stuff. Go figure....
Its an odd little stigma WW have, kinda sad. We shall se what Greymoor holds for them.
colossalvoids wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »
Not sure who you're referring to but as for current pts cycle ww doing about the same damage as well measured build with actual rotation and even better than some classes can pull so it have potential but by serious group he probably meant score pushing, etc. as one bar builds shouldn't be the ones wielding best results for minimal effort. It's still a great tool for newer players for an easy dps and survivability.
Stamplar would like a word with you regarding minimal effort and still pulling high dps......
Still using both bars though.