I recently reinstalled ESO after clearing out some hard drive space. I was pretty excited to get back into the swing of things, progress other characters - I'd uninstalled it because my guild disbanded, but I kinda just want to play the game now. To my dismay, upon loading into Stonefalls, I noticed that the game was...well..

I tried changing a few graphics settings, including setting it to fullscreen, turning shadows on, and probably something else. That fixed the mist effect, but some glitches remained.

And here's a weird one I got when reading a letter.

But that's not the worst of it. All the artifacts seemed to be related to this...what is either a bug in the way textures are drawn, or the lighting, or geometry, I'm not sure. Here is a screenshot which pretty much captures what I'm talking about.

As you can see, weird triangles are being shown on the ground. Again, no combination of graphics settings fixed the issue.
The next day, I fully updated my graphics driver (it's on Intel HD graphics driver version 15.40 now). I then booted up the game again, trying a different character in a different area. (I also have MSI Afterburner on for the sake of it.) Yet the glitches still remain.

And here's the interesting part. All transparencies - effects, ghosts, even healthbars - are getting every other one of these weird triangles drawn over them.

It's truly bizarre, and happens in no other game I've played. I don't - can't - overclock my graphics, despite using MSI Afterburner. This graphics bug is pretty annoying, and I'm hoping either someone will suggest a fix or it will get fixed in a later patch. And another thing, I can't seem to find any other person with this same issue. So I might have to do more testing.
If you need it, my laptop's specs are:
Intel i5 4210U
Intel HD Graphics 4400
Let me know if I should post this elsewhere.