I don't understand how the dungeon queue has become longer, and the bugs associated with the queue happen more often.
If I am speculating, it seems like server resources were taken away from the dungeons and used to shore up something else that needed them, I might believe this more if anything has been fixed, but everything is worse so I am at a loss.
I just spent 35 min in a queue, when the message came up I clicked F to join my dungeon group, but didn't happen. This bug has been a complaint for a long time and hasn't been fixed, same as many long standing bugs that haven't been fixed.
If you only have a few hours that you can play the game in a day, it's almost impossible to get 3 pledges in because of the queue times. If this bug happens, forget about getting in three, maybe forget about all 3 pledges.
So I /reloadui and queue for the same dungeon again. Instead of the dungeon finder saying "queued" it says "ready check" this is new, this didn't happen before, the bug has evolved it seems. So how do I fix THIS?
I'm thinking, I don't want to log out and then log back in, because the loading screens take so damned long, longer than they ever have in the past but that's what I got to do. I have to log out of the game, and then back in to fix my broken, buggy queue.
I own a business, if I want to be successful I have to make sure my customers, my clients are happy with the work I do. I have to make sure that what I produce is what I have stated it is so that it can be used by my customers in the way it was intended. If I do not, I will lose customers and eventually my business.
Why does ZoS not understand this concept? How in the world, are known bugs allowed to exist for as long as they do, specially when they make a huge giant difference in being able to play the game or not? Why is new content, more content, re-balancing more important than fixing the bugs that make the game so difficult to play now? Why is new content being added that might make these bugs worse?
I don't understand. There is something I am missing in reasoning why these things are allowed to continue. Why are these bugs allowed to continue to exist and never fixed? What has ZoS not talked about these issues at all, ignored them totally as if by doing so we will not become more pissed off?
Why are the problems not being addressed at all? Why is the game getting progressively more buggy, more difficult to play, more a pain in the ......