Everything i say in this post is my personnal opinion and must be discusssed if you think im wrong, because i want to know why.
I personally feel like Stamina has been left to die these last updates .
I wont talk about trials or very high level pvp here, since im not a fan of trials, and i am not a very good PVPer, i just enjoy it.
I know the balance isnt 100% of the problem, and that by getting better i can overcome the gap.
My question is, why the gap's there ?
Magicka solo has an overall edge on stamina because several reasons (yeah looking at you, vMA)
- Shields are easier to come by.
- Heals are stronger and easier to come by.
- Ranged DPS is easier to setup.
- You dont use the same ressource for rolling as your main one (kinda double edged blade here, butt still)
- Positionning is easier, hence less rolling.
- Stam ranged users are usually less hard hitting than their melee counterpart, why is magicka is stll as strong, while ranged ?
Most widespread consensus around me is that magicka is overall easier for an overall better output, in PVE and PVP.
This is due to the fact that everything magicka has more than stamina is stackable, and that the bonus that stamina has over magicka is not (heal/shields vs rolling and sprinting)
Is there a viable monster set in PVP for stamina ?
Bloodspawn which is getting nerfed. Dont get me wrong, this set needed a bit of a nerf. they plan to burry it.
Trollking which is getting nerfed, same reasoning. needed a nerf, nerfed to oblivion.
What else ?
In the meantime, Most of magicka set are getting remade in better versions.
Even some that were usable in stamina for some niche builds are getting turned magicka (the best example is Valkyn, i dont know if there is more, correct me if im wrong)
And the magicka set that are already countering melee stamina DPS (Zaan) and some which are overly used because they are strong are untouched (Grothdaar ?).
The nerf of defensive capabilities on tank helms is a step in the direction of lowering the overall resistance and thus, the tank meta.
But who were the main users of these sets ? Stam users.
It gives Magicka DPS an edge on BG, where stam users dont have such an easy access to penetration.
What stamina monster set will be viable in the near future's PVP ?
Dont get me wrong.
I do NOT want to see magicka users be nerfed (except MagSorc but who does not ?)
I want stam users to be taken seriously.
This is not a rant.
I love playing stamina and im happy people enjoy magicka. I dont want the balance to be reversed, and magicka be down the drain.
And for those who'll say "just get magicka lol" its not about me.
Its about the game balance. If ZOS makes stamina sucks so much on purpose, just remove it from the game, and make everyon set magicka, wtv.
Just dont give people the illusion of choice.
There is indeed a few classes where Stam is tronger than magicka (Necro, NB ?) but this is rare.
Now lets talk about NB.
Remove them from the game, or rework them.
Offer NB a free class change, whatever float your boat.
I keep getting insulted in BG, while doing faitly (im not a god nor a complete useless trash) because NB are considered useless in BGs.
Whats the point of having 6 classes when one (maybe more, i dont know, please do tell me) is considered uttr garbage ?
Same in trials, i cant talk about it much, but i talked to quite a lot of people who just go "melee slots are usually reserved for plar/DK.
I love my NB, and i dont want to play another class.I dont even want them to be strong.
I just want them to be usable.
P0lease do tell me what you're thinking, this is just personnal opinion, and i might be wrong about everything.
thank you