Vercingetorix wrote: »Antiquities needs long-term value. Most of the mythic items shown are not really worth using outside of highly specific scenarios. The Malacath ring is pretty much the only decent one and it’s only good for PvP. Antiques is a content island that will immediately dry up in a few months once people max the skill out. Adding something like your suggestion gives players a carrot to chase and adds value to the system.
My god, stop already with all those senseless polls, asking for nerfs of stuff just cause you are too lazy to actually 'git gut'. If you would spend half the amount of time ingame, learning to play instead of making those stupid polls, you'd be one of the top 10 players...
RPGplayer13579 wrote: »I need to know what the antiquities system actually is before I can say yes or no. Does anyone have a link?
Vercingetorix wrote: »Antiquities needs long-term value. Most of the mythic items shown are not really worth using outside of highly specific scenarios. The Malacath ring is pretty much the only decent one and it’s only good for PvP. Antiques is a content island that will immediately dry up in a few months once people max the skill out. Adding something like your suggestion gives players a carrot to chase and adds value to the system.
rexagamemnon wrote: »I think the argument, “i play the game better than you so i should get better gear” is dumb because 1) that doesnt matter in PVE because you want everyone on your team having good gear anyways.
And 2) if you are really much better than everyone who cant aquire the perfected gear through vet modes etc. then those individuals who have perfected gear but cant get it through vet mode shouldnt be a threat to your pvp leaderboard scores eitherway.
Skins, titles and ploymorphs sure, thats all for guys with better APM, but gear, quit being that entitled
Atherakhia wrote: »No.
Perfected gear simply shouldn't exist in the first place. This MMO doesn't use a vertical progression model and has no need for this type of gear. There are tons of other things they could do to reward players for completing harder content that won't directly impact another player's ability to do content.