Why? Becuase why sell class change tokens and allow people to change the class of their main they've spent a lot of time on to a class they enjoy more (look at you, poor nightblades), when you can make way more money by selling everything you've already achieved for other characters in small, expensive pachages? Wait a while, you'll see crafting skill lines, research, achievements (one by one, or maybe category by category?), recipes, motifs etc. get added the same way as skill lines and skyshards.
You want class change? Make the class you want and buy all the stuff of your main on them, stop whining - the community itself enabled this by shutting down people asking for this over the years. But great news, you might still get faction change tokens!
I hate my class and I would rather never play than have to suffer as a boring nightblade another day. Yet here I am. Making it worse for myself day by day, adding more research, more map completion, more achievements to the main that's a class I'll never be able to change, and never enjoy.