So I've returned after a fair while away. I expected lots of nerfs, balances people like to call them. I main NB since beta and have always enjoyed the difficulty of playing a melee character in any game with our ping disadvantage. We got our fair share of nerfs and buffs over the time, so did our gear.
NB is dead. Expected something like this once our vocal minority moved to other entertainment, as we are not liked for our main class ability, stealth. We get in get the job done, get out. Some of you calling it ganking, I call it opportunistic killing. Waiting for you to drop your guard then blowing you up, maybe give you a tbag if you're a rival or cheese. That's literally our class, it's a assassin. We wreck your day.
Losing cleanse, penetration, direct procs, damage on ulti, using alc in stealth. List goes on, but most can be lived with.
One thing I never suspected was cast time to melee skills. To someone with 250-300ms ping adding another 400 is a kiss goodnight. I guess it could be lived with if gap closers like ambush or crit rush worked. But they don't, literally stuck in half animation waiting for it to go off. While some dk melts my face. I could also map out precision macros to get the job done. But If I wanted slow potato I'd just be a tank.
Guess I'll just pay $14 and roll a necro.
/end rant
I have no will left to help with lag until high action per minute devs play via a vpn from Asia or Oceania to NA and live stream thier experience of thier actions being declined by the server because they are out of frame.