It's really the only time us newer players get a real chance to really work towards getting on a even footing. Wish Zeni would do something to shorten the curve to get to 810. These last 130CP are killer slow.
It's really the only time us newer players get a real chance to really work towards getting on a even footing. Wish Zeni would do something to shorten the curve to get to 810. These last 130CP are killer slow.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »Normally, the only events with XP boost are Jester (Q1), Anniversary (Q2), Witches (Q3), and New Life (Q4).
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »With Jester coming at very end of Q1 and Anniversary coming at very start of Q2, I do not think we will have another XP boost event until Witches Festival, usually around Halloween. Unless ZOS switch things up in 2020, which is possible.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »Normally, the only events with XP boost are Jester (Q1), Anniversary (Q2), Witches (Q3), and New Life (Q4).
Not Jester's.
This year yes, but previously I don't think so. So this year was abnormal.Dagoth_Rac wrote: »With Jester coming at very end of Q1 and Anniversary coming at very start of Q2, I do not think we will have another XP boost event until Witches Festival, usually around Halloween. Unless ZOS switch things up in 2020, which is possible.
Jester's having double xp this year makes me wonder if maybe ZO will inject that into more events.
Otherwise it's a long wait until October.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »You still get XP without events. It is only a 100% buff.
It's really the only time us newer players get a real chance to really work towards getting on a even footing. Wish Zeni would do something to shorten the curve to get to 810. These last 130CP are killer slow.
It's really the only time us newer players get a real chance to really work towards getting on a even footing. Wish Zeni would do something to shorten the curve to get to 810. These last 130CP are killer slow.
1296 CP here. My current CP requires 1,043,690 XP
I've never had a CP that cost less than 400k XP because when they introduced the sliding scale, I was already above the break point.
Those last 130 CP as not as slow as you think. :-)
Just play the game and enjoy yourself. You'll be 810 CP before you know it.
It's really the only time us newer players get a real chance to really work towards getting on a even footing. Wish Zeni would do something to shorten the curve to get to 810. These last 130CP are killer slow.
Those last 130 CP as not as slow as you think. :-)
Just play the game and enjoy yourself. You'll be 810 CP before you know it.
I get you can grind CP but you still need skill lines and skill points. Also need to get your traits so that takes time and gold. It's nice getting events between that where you can burn CP. IMO there should be one of these every 6 weeks.
The community treats you different when your not 810. Had someone drop out of a vet dungeon this weekend because I was not 810 as a healer. I have 681CP and it's all speced into healing and my gear is all gold. No one died, no one came close to dying and they dropped group after first boss. This happens often, sometimes before we even kill the first mob. So I play mostly with guildies and friends. I'm sick of the stigma of not being 810. More events pls.
I get you can grind CP but you still need skill lines and skill points. Also need to get your traits so that takes time and gold. It's nice getting events between that where you can burn CP. IMO there should be one of these every 6 weeks.
The community treats you different when your not 810. Had someone drop out of a vet dungeon this weekend because I was not 810 as a healer. I have 681CP and it's all speced into healing and my gear is all gold. No one died, no one came close to dying and they dropped group after first boss. This happens often, sometimes before we even kill the first mob. So I play mostly with guildies and friends. I'm sick of the stigma of not being 810. More events pls.
You're not going to get skill points grinding CP and double XP doesn't help with that either. Double XP doesn't help gold/gear grinding. There's no need for double XP so often that it becomes routine rather than special. Same thing for events in general.
As for the community treating you different due to CP...the people who do that will find something else to judge you for. I've been in vet trials with a number of people below cap, most recently a tank under 400CP (off tank for vSS) and we do fine. You say the person dropped but unless they specifically said "I don't want to run with YOU because you are CP681" (which you didn't specify) you can't know why they left. Maybe dps was too low and they were short on time. DPS or healers running as full heals instead of buff/off-dps healers also cause people to leave.
Asking for more XP events to get to level cap won't solve anything. Being at 810 is not going to change jerks into nice people.