The Crown Store never offers any new cast animations or even particle effects for any ability in the game.
Why is that?
[cut]The Crown Store never offers any new cast animations or even particle effects for any ability in the game.
Why is that?
Possibly related is another oddity - opal style weapons.
These obviously look a lot like daedric weapons, which apart from summons are the only daedric magic in the single player games. They've been oft requested.
But when ZO give them to us, it's without the "daedric" label.
How weird is that?
What? No, they don't look like Daedric weapons. They are a special, colorized version of the Monster weapon packs available at times in the Crown store. Those designs were curated from the aesthetic of the monster they were named from.
What? No, they don't look like Daedric weapons. They are a special, colorized version of the Monster weapon packs available at times in the Crown store. Those designs were curated from the aesthetic of the monster they were named from.
Like, duh, they use the same models as the monster weapon packs.
But bound daedric weapons are purple and have purple magicky particle effects.
i.e. "opal" style.