Greymoor furnishings requests

I waited a bit with this post so that most people can do the Greymoor prologue.

The most exciting parts of the prologue were, of course, the ones which take us back to familiar places, such as Palace of Kings, Ratway, or Blackreach.

I am glad to see a new Nord style, more refined than in the Eastern Holds, a style that has a lot of potential.

Here are several items that I noticed, and I hope we will see these as furnishings in the next chapter:

Filled bookcase/shelf (I predict the 1st model will be very popular)

More filled shelves, this time with kitchen supplies:

Everything on this table is great to have:

Weapon/armor racks please:

People are asking for these artist items for years:
(I hope we will get an easel and blank canvas as well)

Scrolls filled cabinet:

More workshop related items:

Filled planter:

New painting:

Dwemer "supernova" sun:

Please provide more building blocks: floors, roofs, panels, beams, rails, walls, windows, ladders.
Also, I am sure many people want stuff for a farmhouse, like animal pens, sheds, stable, apple trees, vineyards, etc.
[PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • kaisernick
    Well the last one is technally avaliable now in the crates but i definatly want weapon racks and worksop items.
  • kind_hero
    kaisernick wrote: »
    Well the last one is technally avaliable now in the crates but i definatly want weapon racks and worksop items.

    This is much larger than the miniature sun. I am not sure if you saw the crate version. It is bright, but the Blackreach version is huge.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • carly
    I hope we get all that food from the palace but I'm not holding my breath. I am still waiting for the laundry baskets with laundry in them, the wash tub with scrub board and the vegetable piles from Elsweyr to appear. Oh and the paintings as well!
  • Cameron991
    I am new to crafting but ever since they announced a vampire castle in Blackreach as a home I am definitely going to decorate a house for the first time ever. So I’m really hoping they add a lot more gothic/vampiric furniture so I can make the house look like some type of Dracula’s castle
  • Cireous
    This prologue was the most fun I have had in the game for awhile. It helped that I went into it with no soul gems and an Alphagear2 profile where I am gearless and champion-pointless, but that's beside the point. The point is... sausage and eggs and an unknown meat substance on a plate! And a plate with just eggs!? So many meaty food options on plates, I just about died. For these things alone, I am ridiculously excited for the next chapter.
  • Cireous
    carly wrote: »
    I hope we get all that food from the palace but I'm not holding my breath. I am still waiting for the laundry baskets with laundry in them, the wash tub with scrub board and the vegetable piles from Elsweyr to appear. Oh and the paintings as well!
    Same, same, same + GROWL :angry: @ no paintings + the musical instruments. Man, that animated laundry wash tub would be incredible to have.

  • Tigerseye
    kind_hero wrote: »

    New painting:

    The paintings aren't new.

    They're Painting of Cottage, Refined:


    ...and Painting of Swamp, Refined:


    Came out with Vvardenfell, I think.

    Would be nice to have some new paintings, though.

    Although, I'm still waiting hopefully for them to release the beautiful Elsweyr ones...

    However, totally agree about the rest of the items.

    The bread is particularly gorgeous and the vegetables are nice, too.
  • MattT1988
    Really hanging out for a preview of some kind for the new furnishings. I’m holding off finishing my Hakvild Hall for this.
  • kind_hero
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    The paintings aren't new.

    They're Painting of Cottage, Refined

    ...and Painting of Swamp, Refined

    Came out with Vvardenfell, I think.

    Would be nice to have some new paintings, though.

    Although, I'm still waiting hopefully for them to release the beautiful Elsweyr ones...

    Thanks, I knew about the one on the right, but not about the cottage one.

    I don't know why they don't release portrait paintings of the popular characters in the world, like alliance leaders, companions, or others like Darien, Raz, Naryu, Rigurt, and so on. People would surely try to get those.

    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
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