Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Missing Items - Gloves of the Seducer

Went to upgrade purple Gloves of the Seducer to gold. I had the 7 Dreugh Wax required for the upgrade and it said that I had a 100 percent chance to craft them and they just vanished after crafting. It's all really very strange. I don't know what happened since I had the 100 percent chance. I am guessing lag, because the server has been very laggy for some reason.
Banegrivm Shadowblight
Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
  • virtus753
    Banegrivm wrote: »
    Went to upgrade purple Gloves of the Seducer to gold. I had the 7 Dreugh Wax required for the upgrade and it said that I had a 100 percent chance to craft them and they just vanished after crafting. It's all really very strange. I don't know what happened since I had the 100 percent chance. I am guessing lag, because the server has been very laggy for some reason.

    Did you mean 8 wax? It takes 8 minimum to guarantee the upgrade with the highest level of the relevant passive.

    Were you missing the wax afterwards as well, or just the item?

    You should be able to file a ticket to get the gloves back (and wax, if lost).
  • Banegrivm
    I thought it was 7 when I did the upgrade, it said I had 100 percent chance and I am absolutely sure it said 7. I crafted them and they just vanished. The wax is gone as well. I did file a ticket. Hopefully that will fix everything.
    Banegrivm Shadowblight
    Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
  • idk
    Nope. 8 is what is required for a 100% chance to upgrade from purple to gold. If it fails the item is destroyed as the upgrade matts are consumed.
  • Banegrivm
    It was telling me 7 in game earlier at 100 percent and I'm aware about the potential for the item to be destroyed if you use less than what is required. It wasn't even letting me click the button unless I backed it down to 7.
    Banegrivm Shadowblight
    Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
  • Banegrivm
    I put in a ticket, we will see what happens.
    Banegrivm Shadowblight
    Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
  • idk
    Good luck with the ticket. Now you know that if the game is telling you 100% when you have less than 8 that something is wrong and it is best to not proceed. There are no exceptions in this game that provides a guaranteed upgrade chance with less than 8 gold matts for armor and weapons.
  • Banegrivm
    Yeah I am aware of that! I've always been super cautious. I wonder how long the wait time is until a ticket gets responded to.
    Banegrivm Shadowblight
    Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
  • idk
    You can expect a pretty good delay on Zos handling this. It seems they are bogged down and have less capacity due to a certain world event. Even BillE seems to not be stepping in to assist which probably means they are really bogged down heavy and that is life or BillE is sick themself.

    The question really becomes, how important it is for you to have those gloves now. It costs next to nothing to craft and upgrade to a purple quality and maybe you will get the gold matts back when Zos handles the ticket.

    Important. Make sure that you did respond to the initial auto-response that went out and any other response Zos sends you on the matter until the ticket is closed. I expect we have said that somewhere in the thread.
  • Banegrivm
    I did make sure to reply to the original ticket that was emailed to me so I am good here. I don't think I can craft another purple Gloves of the Seducer or I would do it. I will have to check later. I bought the ones I was wearing though.
    Banegrivm Shadowblight
    Sovereign Lord of the 1st Fist of Light
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