PS/NA Block Now constantly drops - Full Stamina pool - Lag Please fix your game - acknowledge please

The performance now makes your game unplayable. Please fix this issue.
And the lag or latency beyond words.
  • JumpmanLane
    Been on PcNA since update 25...going on 7 weeks now.
  • Jaimeh
    Yes, it's been happening since Harrowstorm :/
  • coldflame
    Soul Shriven
    PC/NA here.

    I used to laughed at how badly the SWTOR servers were performing and thinking nothing could be worse - that was before I tried ESO.

    The game is getting really unplayable with all the random DCs, lag spikes, abilities not firing, action keys stop working and NPCs not loading in. And all these happened just simply questing in a zone with in an hour.
  • Lab3360
    Been on PcNA since update 25...going on 7 weeks now.

    So. It's not just PS/NA?
  • Lab3360
    coldflame wrote: »
    PC/NA here.

    I used to laughed at how badly the SWTOR servers were performing and thinking nothing could be worse - that was before I tried ESO.

    The game is getting really unplayable with all the random DCs, lag spikes, abilities not firing, action keys stop working and NPCs not loading in. And all these happened just simply questing in a zone with in an hour.

    Experiencing all the items you just mentioned as well. How is this ok?
  • Lab3360
    I guess I'm going to have to start recording footage everyday I play and posting it on youtube so there is a running log of how badly this game runs.

    Post every day
  • ImmortalCX
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.
  • Lab3360
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    It was like this before the outbreak
  • Lab3360
    Who else is experiencing this problem?
  • Solace1981
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    Yeah guys, cut them slack. Like we all have for the last 6 years. Not a single issue in the game until the coronavirus.
  • Lab3360
    Solace1981 wrote: »
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    Yeah guys, cut them slack. Like we all have for the last 6 years. Not a single issue in the game until the coronavirus.

    Edited by Lab3360 on April 11, 2020 3:35PM
  • ImmortalCX
    Solace1981 wrote: »
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    Yeah guys, cut them slack. Like we all have for the last 6 years. Not a single issue in the game until the coronavirus.

    Just saying... they are all working from home and server load has probably doubled or tripled overnight.

    Probably not the best time to complain.
  • JumpmanLane
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Been on PcNA since update 25...going on 7 weeks now.

    So. It's not just PS/NA?

    Ohhhh nooo. It’s beem on PC since update 25. I’m sure it’s on all platforms.

    There’s threads about the myriad of issues. You can find them if you HUNT. I’ll leave it to someone else to point out WHY such threads are hard to find.

    Just remember it’s a high priority, ZOS is investigating. Stay civil and constructive etc etc. lol.
    Edited by JumpmanLane on April 11, 2020 4:48PM
  • JumpmanLane
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    Nah...they don’t get The Virus Pass. These issues predate the pandemic. They were present on the PTS for Update 25 (for those on console with no way of knowing this). These issues went live with update 25 (which instituted a HOST of bugs).

    Many threads about this. They all end up closed to keep the forums...WHATEVER lol.
  • JumpmanLane
    Lab3360 wrote: »
    Who else is experiencing this problem?

    Lab I’m not being funny, EVERYBODY...well, anybody that BLOCKS.

    Let’s just say, the changes to block came with OTHER changes some would consider...bugs.

    If you’re wondering if you can learn all about such bugs here on the forums...well...NOT from a Jedi...
  • AMeanOne
    The skill delay was present before U25 on console. It came on the February 5th patch. One of the few things console got before pc.
  • Mortiis13
    Pc EU same. I don't know why I still TRY to PLAY it.
  • Kiyakotari
    Nah...they don’t get The Virus Pass. These issues predate the pandemic. They were present on the PTS for Update 25 (for those on console with no way of knowing this). These issues went live with update 25 (which instituted a HOST of bugs).

    Many threads about this. They all end up closed to keep the forums...WHATEVER lol.

    I agree, absolutely no Virus Pass on the pandemic causing these issues. They've been present for ages, and only got worse with Update 25. No turning a blind eye on that. My girlfriend keeps coming back to this game for a month or two (because I'm a stupidly dedicated ESO player, largely because my motivations in gaming are intrinsic) then leaving in disgust to play something else for six or seven months (because her motivations are extrinsic).

    However, it's completely reasonable to say that they should, at least for now, get a Virus Pass on being able to (suddenly?) fix these issues. Communicate about them? Well, that's another story, and I think if they were a bit better about that, rather than sticking their heads in the sand and playing the "we can't hear you" game, it would help matters regarding their relationship with their customer base.
  • TineaCruris
    I've been frantically leveling during the XP events, and getting into PvP some finally now that I have the gear to do it. The difference in performance in PvE and PvP is SHOCKING. PvE is pretty darn good. Everything seems to work and the content is fantastic. So why is PvP unplayable? Even at off peak times with low populations Cyrodiil is a truly frustrating zone to try to play in. How can it be so much different?
  • Lab3360
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    They didn't know there would be a coronavirus and the playerbase would explode thus exacerbating the problems.

    Sometimes you have to cut people some slack.

    Nah...they don’t get The Virus Pass. These issues predate the pandemic. They were present on the PTS for Update 25 (for those on console with no way of knowing this). These issues went live with update 25 (which instituted a HOST of bugs).

    Many threads about this. They all end up closed to keep the forums...WHATEVER lol.

    Agreed. Adding all of this stuff will only make all of these matters worse. The stacking is sure to complicate unresolved matters.
  • Lab3360
    Mortiis13 wrote: »
    Pc EU same. I don't know why I still TRY to PLAY it.

    I'm trying to keep the faith. But, it's really difficult when Devs dont respond to these types of matters over long periods of time.
  • JumpmanLane
    Due to the pandemic, I would consider giving ZOS The Virus Pass if they simply reverted live back to Update 24. (This may not be possible due to Update 25 including assests like the new dungeon and gear etc).

    So, here we are. I’d take a straight loss in terms of achievements, gold, dungeons disappearing etc for a roll back to RELATIVE playability. WONT happen though so no Virus Pass...
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