The Remnants of Hope - "Light from a few can be a beacon to many"
Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
About Us
Remnants of Hope (RoH) was founded June 7, 2009, as a Star Wars Galaxies guild. It has since evolved into an active community supporting divisions in ESO, SWTOR, GW2, and WoW. We have over 500 active members in a positive gaming environment.
We are more than your average gaming guild. Our ESO division has over 150 active members with 35 to 50 online at peak times. While we’re an Ebonheart Pact guild for PVP purposes, there is no alliance restriction for our guild activities. Come one, come all!
We offer members every aspect of game-play from PVE, PVP, RP to Crafting. Our website forums are expansive with members actively posting and building friendships. We host a Discord server, where our members meet socially and participate in events.
Because we’re community orientated, you will never feel lost in the crowd, or like a cog in a machine.
Do you enjoy…
We assist with leveling crafting, helping members acquire items and providing crafting tutorial events. We’re kicking off auctions and support other departments with prizes. While we’re not a trade guild, we encourage members to provide invites into successful trade guilds, giving our members the best of both worlds within our multi-faceted community.
RoH covers the full range of PvE, with events scheduled four nights a week. Activities range from super-casual Leveling with Friends groups to Trials. Additionally, we run multiple pledges and random dungeons a night, including slow-paced Intro to Dungeon runs for people new to group play. Finally, we spice up our PvE with special events like a no-pants zerg, costume contest, dungeon races and more.
We encourage fun and friendly competitive gaming to both fans of PvP and those curious about it. We are always willing to lend a hand with builds, classes, and how it all comes together to make a character effective in PvP. We enjoy all aspects of PvP and offer groups for Cyrodiil questing, small-scale skirmishes, the opportunity to join larger groups to attack keeps, Sky Shard Hunting groups, Imperial City content, Battlegrounds matches, and Delve clears. Our alliance for PVP is Ebonheart Pact. Our home campaign is Sotha Sil.
Enjoy collaborative storytelling? Join us for guild-hosted stories that will appeal to both new and seasoned role-players. We are interested in character-driven stories where choices matter to the overall story arc. We provide assistance with characters stories along with introductions into current guild stories. Our forums are robust and provide an interactive writing experience for all.
Housing & Fashion
The Housing and Fashion Department is dedicated to bringing all that ESO has for those aspects of the game to our members. Housing workshops, guides on how to look your best, and of course costume contests are just some of the offerings from this department. RoH loves to look it's best while going on adventures throughout Tamriel, as well as knowing how to decorate a great place to relax, party with friends, or admire trophies of our conquests.
ESO Gameplay
We offer a play-your-own-way environment where members are encouraged but not required to attend guild events. We understand that some will enjoy end-game content where others might like to level slowly, working through ESO story content, partaking in roleplay, crafting or joining in on random adventures.
What we offer:
1. Active, engaged forums, allowing members to meet people across divisions.
2. Discord Voice and Text Chat Server.
3. Freedom to play the game any way you want.
4. Scheduled events on the calendar as well as “random” activities through guild chat.
5. Friendly community and environment.
6. Structured leadership, with officers for each department: PvE, PvP, RP, Crafting, and Recruitment.
7. Freedom to play other divisions and casual games.
What we value in members:
Positive Attitude
Friendly Nature
Team Player
"This is the guild I've been searching for.” ~ New RoH member, Saelhinne, said recently.
Are you ready for a new gaming experience?
Visit us at [] ( to apply!
Because our community is so awesome, we have an application and trial membership process that allows you to get to know us, and members to meet you. Consider the application a handshake, we take it and the process very seriously. With that in mind, be thorough when you fill it out. We look forward to meeting a potential new member.