FaasnuAbout the guild:
- We are going to focus on PvE, Questing, Crafting, and the Social aspects of a guild! We also want to expand the guild so new and experienced players can come together and help one another out in all the areas of the game. This is a new guild with very few players, we are wanting to take all players in, so there is no commitment needed!
Times to play:
- Come play whenever! There are no commitments to time, levels, or donations to the guild. Also join the Discord below!
What we plan for the future of the guild:
- Events/game nights
- Trading
- Social times to just chill with other members
- Add ranks to the guild
How to join:
You can just join the Discord, and we can help you out from there!
Note: There are no requirements to join, you don't have to be a certain level, age, etc. to join the guild. We are welcoming all players of all levels and ages. This guild is for making friends and having a fun time on a very amazing game!
Please consider joining the Guild! We want to expand and get as many players as possible to enhance the game experience!