I think healing, or healer for that matter, certainly is not too strong as a whole. It is more that it is really inconsistent and unbalanced. I absolutely think that PvP healer need to be able to tank a lot of pressure in order to be viable outside of well coordinated groups, because we can barely build up counter pressure. Taking down healers should require more then just straight up damage, unless massively outnumbered. I think the issue here are the available counters, as they are too specific but at the same time situationally too strong. Counters should be more accessible, especially to less optimized groups, but at the same time should not be a complete hard counter, making a healer utterly useless if the enemy team just stacks enough healing reduction and resource drain. It is really hard to tell with the solo queue BGs, but back when we had organised BG groups, healers either dominated, making death matches go 15 minutes with a total of like 5 kills, or team built counters and healers where pretty much useless, there was just no good middle ground. This is talking only about no CP, as I have not played healer in CP for at least 3 patches.
Greek_Hellspawn wrote: »In battlegrounds i think self heals are ok but the healing from healers is pretty op. Most of the times in death match the team with the healer wins if the dds are at least mediocre.
I don't see healing as a whole to be an issue, but there are a few offenders from a PvP perspective that needs to be addressed:
* Max HP is way to high: Healing can remain strong as long as the amount of HP you can effortlessly get remains low (around the 25k mark), that way you can bring someone into execute range. However, when someone can easily get 30k, 35k + HP without even building for it, there is a problem. There needs to be diminishing returns on all max HP above 25k HP (50% reduced efficiency for every 5k).
* Sorc matriarch healing is way over the top in terms of healing tooltip. With a propper build you easily reach 11-13k (or higher) heals in nocp.
* Heals that scales if max HP: Warden mains will rage regarding this but the heal on polar wind and artic blast needs to go completely, or stop scaling of max HP. Artic blast should be reworked into a propper stun for magdens and polar wind should do something else than healing or scale with max mag/spell damage. Both morphs are way too strong in PvP. Warden already has a healing skilline that needs some attention (looking at you living trellis).
* Healing monster sets such as Earthgore, Chokethorn, Bogdan and Trollking are still overperforming and shouldn't have the impact it has today. Sets should be there to assist you in your rolez not doing it for you.
Healer’s in ESO are already weaker than other pvp MMOs.
ESO already caters to solo casual pvp play, which I’m fine with. I think they want solo pvp to be doable so have left healers weaker than normal, but any more nerfs would be too far. As the saying goes, if you’re having issues in matches against healers L2P and stop trying to play a group setting (BGs) like they’re solo.
* Heals that scales if max HP: Warden mains will rage regarding this but the heal on polar wind and artic blast needs to go completely, or stop scaling of max HP. Artic blast should be reworked into a propper stun for magdens and polar wind should do something else than healing or scale with max mag/spell damage. Both morphs are way too strong in PvP. Warden already has a healing skilline that needs some attention (looking at you living trellis).
And who ever thought that having major mending on a passive was a good idea shouldn't deal with balance at all. Give major mending to the healing ultimate and increase the cost to 150.
Versispellis wrote: »Talk like this makes me nervous, because they already tried to mess with non-pet sorc's healing once (critical surge). Thankfully, they realized quickly that it was a mistake and walked back on it. I think you have to be careful and specific when you're talking about skills that overperform, otherwise you risk creating another situation like that where an entire build category became unviable.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I have never played healer, so do I appreciate your thoughts. All I know is that it is a massive advantage in PvP if you have one😂
What is your opinion on the difference between this patch and the last? As you say you don't play cp for the last 2 patches do you feel cp is the problem? or it is less potent in Harrowstorm?
relentless_turnip wrote: »I genuinely just want people's opinion, I don't want to do a poll because I find it limit people responses. Also you should be aware this probably is mainly a PvP discussion.
I felt in Dragonhold healing was pretty broken. In Harrowstorm I havent really found it to be a problem. I don't know if that is because combat has been pretty broken and we have been restricted to BG's and no CP(outside of prime time). If you get a healer in a BG it is a massive advantage, but I believe it should be.
What is everyone else's experience of it recently? And do you think it is potentially just cp PvP?
relentless_turnip wrote: »
Totally agree with you on healers👍
What do you think about self healing on a solo build?
Healing and damage mitigation are too strong in pvp.
It has gotten to a point where you need a group and several ultimates at once to have a chance at killing most people.
And dps pressure is completely gone, for that immense healing everyone possesses, outheals every damage pressure you could hope to cause.
I am surprised some people say that healing and tankiness is fine in pvp right now. I thought it was widely known and agreed upon, that the tankiness meta is the worst it has ever been and that pvp is no fun as a result.
I would, at the very least, reduce that battle spirit damage reduction a bit and make it so that some classes can't have such uptimes on strong resistence and mitigation buffs.