Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

The final winged Blood Scion transformation.

I fully expect the final model to look similar to what we saw in that screenshot with the two characters fighting the wingless-npc version of the Blood Scion. As the model the players previewed was clearly a placeholder hopefully. (For some reason I can't post said screenshot, otherwise I would.)

I also made a recent discovery that in the video

at this timestamp, we see what a potential Blood Scion looks like with wings. For some reason the time-stamp isn't working, but it's at 1:30.

You're probably thinking that he's a Vampire Lord, but that wouldn't make sense, considering we're only fighting 1 true vampire lord (the main story guy). PLUS, if you compare his model to that of the better-lighting model of the player blood scion transformation (There's a screenshot around here with what Im talking about on it, basically shows the wingless model in better lighting.) it looks very similar to what we can turn into as players, except it's a bit whiter and this one has wings. In fact it looks almost identical, same leg thickness and armor/no crowns or anything. It's clear that this guy can't possibly be a vampire lord, as those are """too""" powerful and are mega ultra rare. (So says the lore hounds on this forum), so the only logical conclusion I can make is that this guy has to be somewhat similar to the winged Blood Scion.

What do you guys think? It's just a neat observation I made.

Edited by Noxavian on April 10, 2020 7:54AM
  • Kiyakotari
    I just want my scion transform to have an obviously female morphology if I'm playing a female vampire character. Seriously, can we do away with the lazy game design and get at least a little bit more with the gender equality? I know that the sexual dimorphism between male and female characters in the video game industry has a long history of not being able to figure out a good balance between "lul whut are women" and "bikini armor is best armor," but Elder Scrolls has a history of pushing outside of the standard paradigm. Let's try to achieve that again, huh?
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all the Blood Scion form is not the Vampire Lord form which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with and are not actual physical wings.

    Given the location of the expansion it is safe to assume that the Vampire Lord form and the Blood Scion form are both high transformations of different Vampiric Bloodlines like the difference between a Werewolf and a Werebear, physically they do look similar at first glance but their are some differences.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on April 10, 2020 9:48AM
  • Mindcr0w
    just want my scion transform to have an obviously female morphology if I'm playing a female vampire character

    It's been quite a while since I've played Skyrim, and I know "Vamp Lords" are technically different from "Blood Scions", but didn't Skyrim manage to pull this off successfully nearly a decade ago?
  • Thevampirenight
    I think the idea is to have them look like this and it could be a work in progress. Maybe it might look like this when Pts comes. We will have to wait and see.
    Though there really needs to be a female model.
    They gave the community content creators access to a older not as done edition of the Greymoor Chapter.
    So its still possible it won't look like it did on those videos but a lot better and more detailed potentially.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on April 10, 2020 9:48AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Saelent
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all a Blood Scion is not a Vampire Lord which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack of thin-Bat like wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with.

    I love how there is a resemblance to Molag Bal, the kids really do take after Dad.
    But seriously, needs a female form lol
    Edited by Saelent on April 10, 2020 9:45AM
  • DarkPicture
    I think the idea is to have them look like this and it could be a work in progress. Maybe it might look like this when Pts comes. We will have to wait and see.
    Though there really needs to be a female model.
    They gave the community content creators access to a older not as done edition of the Greymoor Chapter.
    So its still possible it won't look like it did on those videos but a lot better and more detailed potentially.

    its appearance of new enemy boss in story, not a form of vampire skil...
  • XomRhoK
    I made comparison picture of all Vampire forms in ESO and Skyrim:
    I like Skyrim Vampire Lord model most, because it not so bulky, especially legs, almost has no armor and has no horns. But ESO Vampire Lord in game and ESO Vampire Lord render are close to what i want, except horns and height, horns make this model looks more like a demon, not a vampire, and i don't want player's vampire form looks huge, i want height near as in game werewolf.
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.
    First of all the Blood Scion form is not the Vampire Lord form which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with and are not actual physical wings.

    Given the location of the expansion it is safe to assume that the Vampire Lord form and the Blood Scion form are both high transformations of different Vampiric Bloodlines like the difference between a Werewolf and a Werebear, physically they do look similar at first glance but their are some differences.
    What i don't understand is for whom ZOS created this Blood Scion ultimate, in terms of appearance and mechanics. Players who never played Skyrim don't asked for Vampire Lord form, players who played Skyrim asked for Vampire Lord form which is played and feels like in Skyrim. And now we get this, players who don't care still don't care, players who wanted Skyrim experience are unsatisfied. It reminds me story with Necromancers. It understandable that they are trying to create the same things, but from a different angle, but they missed with a fundamental feel of class for the second time in a raw.
    Edited by XomRhoK on April 10, 2020 10:48PM
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Point of Lore: One of the few things that's actually clear in The 36 Lessons of Vivec is that Molag Bal is neither truly male nor female. He has one form that can fulfil either function (like Vivec). If the Blood Scion transformation does take after Molag Bal it doesn't need a specifically female form anymore than it needs a specifically male form.
    PC EU
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Looks nice. I mean the quality of the model.
    ... WW on the other hand.. well... looks like something from 2010...

    Funny thing is that there is already better looking WW model that many bosses use. They could really do a simple re-skin.
  • Noxavian
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all the Blood Scion form is not the Vampire Lord form which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with and are not actual physical wings.

    Given the location of the expansion it is safe to assume that the Vampire Lord form and the Blood Scion form are both high transformations of different Vampiric Bloodlines like the difference between a Werewolf and a Werebear, physically they do look similar at first glance but their are some differences.

    Because there is absolutely 0 way they ship those shadow wings. They look like trash. And I do expect the form to more or less look like the screenshot there, but just more polished. Probably no blue radiation and more like the NPC in @XomRhoK's post. Probably without armor, but an armored version cosmetically would be pretty coo. (I love the blood scion armor the NPCs have)

    Also Im still holding out that they'll get rid of our weapons in the transformation. In the screenshot comparisons given by @XomRhoK it's kinda weird that all other transformations don't use weapons, yet here we are wielding a sword for some reason.
    Edited by Noxavian on April 10, 2020 7:22PM
  • Vevvev
    Noxavian wrote: »

    Also Im still holding out that they'll get rid of our weapons in the transformation. In the screenshot comparisons given by @XomRhoK it's kinda weird that all other transformations don't use weapons, yet here we are wielding a sword for some reason.

    If they gave the Scion form the same treatment as Clouding swarm, where the ultimate also gave you some kind of powerful spammable, I think that'd separate it from the bone colossus ultimate and make it so you're not holding a weapon. When you use the materialize power in Clouding Swarm your character is not holding any weapons at all, and instead is using a powerful vampiric destruction spell.
    Edited by Vevvev on April 10, 2020 8:30PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Noxavian
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Noxavian wrote: »

    Also Im still holding out that they'll get rid of our weapons in the transformation. In the screenshot comparisons given by @XomRhoK it's kinda weird that all other transformations don't use weapons, yet here we are wielding a sword for some reason.

    If they gave the Scion form the same treatment as Clouding swarm, where the ultimate also gave you some kind of powerful spammable, I think that'd separate it from the bone colossus ultimate and make it so you're not holding a weapon. When you use the materialize power in Clouding Swarm your character is not holding any weapons at all, and instead is using a powerful vampiric destruction spell.

    i would be completely down for this! If you look at the screenshot of the two characters fighting the Blood Scion NPC it looks like he's doing a big life drain attack.

    If they added in a spammable with the ult and change the shadow wings/make the appearance better in general I'd be satisfied and say it's different enough from the necro ult.

    Another idea is that it gives you a new heavy and light attack based off of vampiric magic.
  • Nerouyn
    Point of Lore: One of the few things that's actually clear in The 36 Lessons of Vivec is that Molag Bal is neither truly male nor female. He has one form that can fulfil either function (like Vivec). If the Blood Scion transformation does take after Molag Bal it doesn't need a specifically female form anymore than it needs a specifically male form.

    Lamae despises Molag Bal and we wouldn't expect her to look to him for inspiration in anything.
  • Chrlynsch
    Noxavian wrote: »
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all the Blood Scion form is not the Vampire Lord form which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with and are not actual physical wings.

    Given the location of the expansion it is safe to assume that the Vampire Lord form and the Blood Scion form are both high transformations of different Vampiric Bloodlines like the difference between a Werewolf and a Werebear, physically they do look similar at first glance but their are some differences.

    Because there is absolutely 0 way they ship those shadow wings. They look like trash. And I do expect the form to more or less look like the screenshot there, but just more polished. Probably no blue radiation and more like the NPC in @XomRhoK's post. Probably without armor, but an armored version cosmetically would be pretty coo. (I love the blood scion armor the NPCs have)

    Also Im still holding out that they'll get rid of our weapons in the transformation. In the screenshot comparisons given by @XomRhoK it's kinda weird that all other transformations don't use weapons, yet here we are wielding a sword for some reason.

    Necro transformation has weapons and that is the closest thing to the vamp transformation.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • XomRhoK
    Saelent wrote: »
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all a Blood Scion is not a Vampire Lord which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack of thin-Bat like wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with.

    I love how there is a resemblance to Molag Bal, the kids really do take after Dad.
    But seriously, needs a female form lol
    Looking at Molag Bal's and Blood Scion's horns and legs i think ZOS defently wanted to emphasize their relationship, but i think skin color, ugly face, sharp teeth and claws already were enough to do so. And now is too much demonic in Blood Scion's appearance.
    I agree that a female version of the transformation is needed. Unlike wereeolves, the difference is too noticeable.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I agree that a female version of the transformation is needed. Unlike wereeolves, the difference is too noticeable.
    That would be welcome. As for WW, it is weird that they did not got re-skinned to use better model (the one that some bosses use). Current WW looks like something from 2010 lol and compare to new vampire ult... wws will look even more out-dated.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 10, 2020 11:56PM
  • Saelent
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I agree that a female version of the transformation is needed. Unlike wereeolves, the difference is too noticeable.
    That would be welcome. As for WW, it is weird that they did not got re-skinned to use better model (the one that some bosses use). Current WW looks like something from 2010 lol and compare to new vampire ult... wws will look even more out-dated.

    Isn’t the new model meant to be a different type and in some cases a werebear?
    But definitely a different type in the werewolf dungeon.
  • XomRhoK
    My thoughts on how Vampire Lord or Blood Scion should look like.
    I almost sure that designer of Vampire Lord's appearance drew inspiration from Underworld: Evolution (2006) movie. Because similarities in apearance of elder vampire Marcus from Underworld and Vampire Lord from Skyrim is astonishing.
    More pictures from movie:
    If you fan of vampires and, somehow, didn't see this series of movies, watch them. Especially second movie Underworld: Evolution (2006), if you want to know how real Elder vampire should look.
    Here i found some fan 3D models of Marcus from Underworld: Evolution (2006), they looks awesome:
    More pictures of 3D models:
    That how Elder Vampire or Vampire Lord should look. Human size, muscles are seen, but he is not Mr. Olympia, bat nose and ears. Perfection, in my opinion.
    And all those arguments about Vampire Lords are unique and rare can be ignored, if you decided to include some form of Vampire Lords in your game do it right, not half-baked. And if you want to limit number of Vampire Lords in Tamriel make them playstyle and mechanic choice, not another free 1k damage buff and two free 5pc set bonuses.
  • Noxavian
    Chrlynsch wrote: »
    Noxavian wrote: »
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all the Blood Scion form is not the Vampire Lord form which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with and are not actual physical wings.

    Given the location of the expansion it is safe to assume that the Vampire Lord form and the Blood Scion form are both high transformations of different Vampiric Bloodlines like the difference between a Werewolf and a Werebear, physically they do look similar at first glance but their are some differences.

    Because there is absolutely 0 way they ship those shadow wings. They look like trash. And I do expect the form to more or less look like the screenshot there, but just more polished. Probably no blue radiation and more like the NPC in @XomRhoK's post. Probably without armor, but an armored version cosmetically would be pretty coo. (I love the blood scion armor the NPCs have)

    Also Im still holding out that they'll get rid of our weapons in the transformation. In the screenshot comparisons given by @XomRhoK it's kinda weird that all other transformations don't use weapons, yet here we are wielding a sword for some reason.

    Necro transformation has weapons and that is the closest thing to the vamp transformation.

    Nope, the vampire NPCs that can transform into a Blood Scion don't use weapons. I would argue that the Blood Scion transformation is the closest thing to the Blood Scion transformation? :p:wink:
    Edited by Noxavian on April 11, 2020 1:40AM
  • Noxavian
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    My thoughts on how Vampire Lord or Blood Scion should look like.
    I almost sure that designer of Vampire Lord's appearance drew inspiration from Underworld: Evolution (2006) movie. Because similarities in apearance of elder vampire Marcus from Underworld and Vampire Lord from Skyrim is astonishing.
    More pictures from movie:
    If you fan of vampires and, somehow, didn't see this series of movies, watch them. Especially second movie Underworld: Evolution (2006), if you want to know how real Elder vampire should look.
    Here i found some fan 3D models of Marcus from Underworld: Evolution (2006), they looks awesome:
    More pictures of 3D models:
    That how Elder Vampire or Vampire Lord should look. Human size, muscles are seen, but he is not Mr. Olympia, bat nose and ears. Perfection, in my opinion.
    And all those arguments about Vampire Lords are unique and rare can be ignored, if you decided to include some form of Vampire Lords in your game do it right, not half-baked. And if you want to limit number of Vampire Lords in Tamriel make them playstyle and mechanic choice, not another free 1k damage buff and two free 5pc set bonuses.

    if the winged version looks anything like this I would be there when the servers first open.

    This is how a vampire transformation should look like. Also notice how Marcus doesn't use any weapons? Man almost like his claws and raw strength are good enough.

    I'm just saying it looks so WEIRD for this big hulking monstrosity to wield a little stick. Dear god imagine a dual wielded daggers version....

    >has big strength
    >dagger sharp claws
    >is mega big and tall
    >uses tiny toothpicks as weapons like a big brain
  • Vevvev
    Noxavian wrote: »

    if the winged version looks anything like this I would be there when the servers first open.

    This is how a vampire transformation should look like. Also notice how Marcus doesn't use any weapons? Man almost like his claws and raw strength are good enough.

    I'm just saying it looks so WEIRD for this big hulking monstrosity to wield a little stick. Dear god imagine a dual wielded daggers version....

    >has big strength
    >dagger sharp claws
    >is mega big and tall
    >uses tiny toothpicks as weapons like a big brain

    I do agree with you but weapons are force multipliers. If a vampire lord/scion (or whatever) did choose to use a weapon it would be beneficial, but they would not pick a dagger for obvious reasons. Their claws are more effective than daggers anyways so they'd use something else. I think Shadiversity did a good job trying to theory craft what kind of weapons a vampire would use, and he does point out they are kind of weapons themselves which made it kind of difficult for him at first.
    Edited by Vevvev on April 11, 2020 2:51AM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Kiyakotari
    Point of Lore: One of the few things that's actually clear in The 36 Lessons of Vivec is that Molag Bal is neither truly male nor female. He has one form that can fulfil either function (like Vivec). If the Blood Scion transformation does take after Molag Bal it doesn't need a specifically female form anymore than it needs a specifically male form.

    Great, cool! Then let's make the thing look more androgynous, not like The Hulk with blue-grey skin and a bone spur problem.
  • XomRhoK
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    Saelent wrote: »
    Why would this be a placeholder? this looks perfectly fine to me.


    First of all a Blood Scion is not a Vampire Lord which is what the villain is, we however get the Blood Scion form, it is similar but their are obvious differences such as the lack of thin-Bat like wings and the less elaborate attire such as the absence of gold plating and the crown, the Bat Scion morph of the Blood Scion Form which gains the Black Shadowy wings do not count as they merely represent the Bats that you get shrouded with.

    I love how there is a resemblance to Molag Bal, the kids really do take after Dad.
    But seriously, needs a female form lol
    Looking at Molag Bal's and Blood Scion's horns and legs i think ZOS defently wanted to emphasize their relationship, but i think skin color, ugly face, sharp teeth and claws already were enough to do so. And now is too much demonic in Blood Scion's appearance.
    I agree that a female version of the transformation is needed. Unlike wereeolves, the difference is too noticeable.
    I forgot to mention, I'm afraid that whole this appearance similarity of Molag Bal and Blood Scion is woven into the plot, and all stories are written and all lines are voiced. So even if ZOS decide to change something in apearance of Blood Scion they just can't. These thoughts make me sad.
  • XomRhoK
    Saw, new for me, interesting video of gameplay in other thread. At this moment you can see animation of movement and attack of NPC Blood Scion. They look slow and bulky, like Werewolf Behemoths to me. Boss from OP video also move slowly.
    Compare it to swift and agile movement and attacks of Vampire Lord in TES: Skyrim.
    Blood Scion animation looks good for NPC, like some kind of Vampire Behemoth, but for the player's transformation i'd prefer more swift and agile. But, i think, players will have same animation as Blood Scion NPC and boss, unfortunately for me.
  • Faulgor
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I made comparison picture of all Vampire forms in ESO and Skyrim:
    I like Skyrim Vampire Lord model most, because it not so bulky, especially legs, almost has no armor and has no horns. But ESO Vampire Lord in game and ESO Vampire Lord render are close to what i want, except horns and height, horns make this model looks more like a demon, not a vampire, and i don't want player's vampire form looks huge, i want height near as in game werewolf.

    Yeah the horns make it look exceptionally demonic. I'd prefer the hair from TESV as well.

    Other than that, the player Blood Scion does not look drastically different from the NPCs. Main differences being the armor (IMO they could drop that entirely, would help to make it look more agile), skin texture and color, absence of wings and the use of weapons.

    If they removed the horns and armor and adjusted the skin tone, it would already go a long way from ugly mud-demon to vampire lord imo.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Noxavian
    Faulgor wrote: »
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I made comparison picture of all Vampire forms in ESO and Skyrim:
    I like Skyrim Vampire Lord model most, because it not so bulky, especially legs, almost has no armor and has no horns. But ESO Vampire Lord in game and ESO Vampire Lord render are close to what i want, except horns and height, horns make this model looks more like a demon, not a vampire, and i don't want player's vampire form looks huge, i want height near as in game werewolf.

    Yeah the horns make it look exceptionally demonic. I'd prefer the hair from TESV as well.

    Other than that, the player Blood Scion does not look drastically different from the NPCs. Main differences being the armor (IMO they could drop that entirely, would help to make it look more agile), skin texture and color, absence of wings and the use of weapons.

    If they removed the horns and armor and adjusted the skin tone, it would already go a long way from ugly mud-demon to vampire lord imo.

    I'd also like to see the addition of proper wings when taking Bat Scion. I'd also like to not be able to use weapons while in the form and instead have a neat life drain or claw heavy/light attack like the NPC blood scions.
  • Faulgor
    Noxavian wrote: »
    Faulgor wrote: »
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I made comparison picture of all Vampire forms in ESO and Skyrim:
    I like Skyrim Vampire Lord model most, because it not so bulky, especially legs, almost has no armor and has no horns. But ESO Vampire Lord in game and ESO Vampire Lord render are close to what i want, except horns and height, horns make this model looks more like a demon, not a vampire, and i don't want player's vampire form looks huge, i want height near as in game werewolf.

    Yeah the horns make it look exceptionally demonic. I'd prefer the hair from TESV as well.

    Other than that, the player Blood Scion does not look drastically different from the NPCs. Main differences being the armor (IMO they could drop that entirely, would help to make it look more agile), skin texture and color, absence of wings and the use of weapons.

    If they removed the horns and armor and adjusted the skin tone, it would already go a long way from ugly mud-demon to vampire lord imo.

    I'd also like to see the addition of proper wings when taking Bat Scion. I'd also like to not be able to use weapons while in the form and instead have a neat life drain or claw heavy/light attack like the NPC blood scions.

    I agree that no weapons would make for a cooler theme, but I guess ZOS feels that would be too hampering or too close to Werewolf mechanics. It would probably require a more radical redesign than is possible at this stage.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Noxavian
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Noxavian wrote: »
    Faulgor wrote: »
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    I made comparison picture of all Vampire forms in ESO and Skyrim:
    I like Skyrim Vampire Lord model most, because it not so bulky, especially legs, almost has no armor and has no horns. But ESO Vampire Lord in game and ESO Vampire Lord render are close to what i want, except horns and height, horns make this model looks more like a demon, not a vampire, and i don't want player's vampire form looks huge, i want height near as in game werewolf.

    Yeah the horns make it look exceptionally demonic. I'd prefer the hair from TESV as well.

    Other than that, the player Blood Scion does not look drastically different from the NPCs. Main differences being the armor (IMO they could drop that entirely, would help to make it look more agile), skin texture and color, absence of wings and the use of weapons.

    If they removed the horns and armor and adjusted the skin tone, it would already go a long way from ugly mud-demon to vampire lord imo.

    I'd also like to see the addition of proper wings when taking Bat Scion. I'd also like to not be able to use weapons while in the form and instead have a neat life drain or claw heavy/light attack like the NPC blood scions.

    I agree that no weapons would make for a cooler theme, but I guess ZOS feels that would be too hampering or too close to Werewolf mechanics. It would probably require a more radical redesign than is possible at this stage.

    Well, the NPCs have it and as far as we know the Blood Scion ult uses the same animation and look as the ones the NPCs have. I'm kinda confused why they can't just give us what the NPCs can use, then? They don't bring weapons over into their form.

    But who knows, maybe we'll see something a bit different on Monday. The preview seemed to of been from early in development, so there's a sliver of hope.

    As for the NPCs not having to use weapons in their form thing, if they do keep the players being able to do such, I'd at least want the NPC blood scion form to have the same thing then. They shouldn't be able to use their claws or a big life drain attack either if we're forced to use weapons.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    They could at least give the Blood Scion a beast personality when used, just seems weird that it moves around so human-like.
  • Noxavian
    They could at least give the Blood Scion a beast personality when used, just seems weird that it moves around so human-like.

    Can very much agree! Hoping they'll move around like the NPC blood scions. They walk very beast-like and look actually menacing. Oh, and don't use weapons because they're smart enough to understand they have access to life-drain magic and claws that are better than a sword.
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