Are you using Ashen Grip?

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I'm a total sucker for non-meta builds. So when I came back to the game to find out they finally buffed Ashen Grip, a set I always wanted to see buffed, you can imagine my excitement. Now I'm wondering how many of you are brave enough to don this majestic and strange set, what you're pairing it with, and how you find the results. Is it now worthy, or should Ashen Grip remain a fanciful hope?
  • Urzigurumash
    I've stopped and marveled at its glamour at a crafting station in a guild hall, but I haven't tried it, nor do I think I've seen it been used. Have you?
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Urzigurumash
    Of course, like any hybrid ideas, relevant for No CP, irrelevant for CP. We all dream of the day when they unify Penetration like they have (most sources of) Resistances.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • Alucardo
    I've stopped and marveled at its glamour at a crafting station in a guild hall, but I haven't tried it, nor do I think I've seen it been used. Have you?

    I have crafted a set of CP160 ashen grip, but I haven't properly tested it yet because I'm still grinding skills and passives on my necro (just hit 50 yesterday). Tooltip is around 7.5k, which I suppose isn't bad for an AOE that procs 100% of the time every 4 seconds, especially considering the world is probably going to be crawling with Vampires in Greymoor.
    Dark Elf might be a better choice also to increase it even more. I thought maybe being a stamina set, even though it's fire damage it might scale from weapon damage/stam, but nope. Only appears to scale from max magicka/spell damage as usual, so I paired it with New Moon.
    Hopefully I'll be able to give it a proper run later today
  • ZonasArch
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I'm a total sucker for non-meta builds. So when I came back to the game to find out they finally buffed Ashen Grip, a set I always wanted to see buffed, you can imagine my excitement. Now I'm wondering how many of you are brave enough to don this majestic and strange set, what you're pairing it with, and how you find the results. Is it now worthy, or should Ashen Grip remain a fanciful hope?

    It works well now, pretty nice on my Stam DK on maelstrom arena. It's a cone damage and benefits from DK passives. Also, I'm pairing with also buffed Morkuldin, but this one only works if weave a lot to keep the uptime.

    Anyway... Give it a try. Depending on how you play it may or may not pay out instead of having pure damage 5 item bonus, so be mindful of that.
  • Alucardo
    ZonasArch wrote: »

    It works well now, pretty nice on my Stam DK on maelstrom arena. It's a cone damage and benefits from DK passives. Also, I'm pairing with also buffed Morkuldin, but this one only works if weave a lot to keep the uptime.

    Anyway... Give it a try. Depending on how you play it may or may not pay out instead of having pure damage 5 item bonus, so be mindful of that.

    Actually, not a bad idea. I might try it out on my Dark Elf DK for optimum results. I'll try and post some stats later on, and see how high I can get that tooltip!
  • Urzigurumash
    Hold up, I thought all procs scale with nothing? Only are buffed by penetration / berserk / vulnerability / etc.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • VaxtinTheWolf
    Gear sets scale with CP distribution. Likely Master at Arms affects it, and the one that increases Magic/Elemental damage.
    || AD - Rah'Jiin Lv50 Khajiit Nightblade (Damage) || EP - Generic Argonian Lv50 Argonian Nightblade (Tank) || DC - Zinkotsu Lv50 Breton Nightblade (Healer) ||
    || DC - Ja'Kiro Feral-Heart Lv50 Khajiit Dragonknight (Damage) || EP - VaxtinTheWolf Lv50 Redguard Templar (Tank) || AD - Velik Iranis Lv50 Dark Elf Sorcerer (Tank ) ||
    || EP - Einvarg The Frozen Lv50 Nord Warden (Tank/Healer) || EP - Keem-Ja Lv4 Argonian Necromancer (Healer/Tank) ||
    PC - North American Server (Champion 1300+)
  • Urzigurumash
    Right, showing my Battlegrounds bias there.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • idk
    Proc sets tend to underperform by design. An average player might do better with it than going full damage stats but if they have a decent rotation they will do less damage with that set.

    Regardless, it has a drawback concerning proc sets in that the damage is in a cone. That means you must keep targets in front of you the entire time. That can be enough in PvE where on needs to move around mobs but in PvP it would be a real challenge against a decent player as they will circle around their target to try to remain behind them and harder to hit.
  • ZonasArch
    idk wrote: »
    Proc sets tend to underperform by design. An average player might do better with it than going full damage stats but if they have a decent rotation they will do less damage with that set.

    Regardless, it has a drawback concerning proc sets in that the damage is in a cone. That means you must keep targets in front of you the entire time. That can be enough in PvE where on needs to move around mobs but in PvP it would be a real challenge against a decent player as they will circle around their target to try to remain behind them and harder to hit.

    Agreed, that's why I mentioned it depends on how you play. 300-400 extra weapon damage (raw stats) will only benefit of you can place enough skills on target and follow a rotation well enough. It's a weird balance but it benefits less skilled players a lot to have a guaranteed damage. For that, btw, Morkuldin is a lot better. No need to position targets, the pet sword does it for you.
  • Alucardo
    Hold up, I thought all procs scale with nothing? Only are buffed by penetration / berserk / vulnerability / etc.

    Damn, you're right. Adding more magicka or spell damage appears to have no effect on it. I'm a little sad. So yeah, maybe not such a great set afterall sadface.
  • idk
    ZonasArch wrote: »

    Agreed, that's why I mentioned it depends on how you play. 300-400 extra weapon damage (raw stats) will only benefit of you can place enough skills on target and follow a rotation well enough. It's a weird balance but it benefits less skilled players a lot to have a guaranteed damage. For that, btw, Morkuldin is a lot better. No need to position targets, the pet sword does it for you.

    Correct. That is why I said the average player might do better with a proc set. It makes up for their lack of skill. This is also why proc sets should never be able to perform as well as normal damage stats with skilled players.

    And yes, this set, in particular, would require a certain playstyle. I do not think it is a good proc set for a lesser skilled player as they would be less likely to get the full benefit from it when facing multiple targets. In PvP, they should not even consider it.
  • worrallj
    Alucardo wrote: »

    Damn, you're right. Adding more magicka or spell damage appears to have no effect on it. I'm a little sad. So yeah, maybe not such a great set afterall sadface.

    Proc sets can still be very good. It's a flat damage amount sure, but the benefit is if you can get it to proc at the same time as other stuff it can be very good burst. I think shadow of red mountain is generally preferred though as it has a similar effect but more damage.
  • Alucardo
    worrallj wrote: »

    Proc sets can still be very good. It's a flat damage amount sure, but the benefit is if you can get it to proc at the same time as other stuff it can be very good burst. I think shadow of red mountain is generally preferred though as it has a similar effect but more damage.
    True, but there's just something cool about breathing fire, y'know? Totally recommended set for grinding a new character though. Low trait requirement, and good AOE burst against NPCs. For anything else it's sadly just as useless.
    Though as someone mentioned above, if you're a skilled player, you could wear this and still get the job done. And what's more, you'd look awesome as well, because breathing fire is swag.
  • XellJarmar
    Alucardo wrote: »

    Damn, you're right. Adding more magicka or spell damage appears to have no effect on it. I'm a little sad. So yeah, maybe not such a great set afterall sadface.

    Mate, you can invest some CPs to the perks regarding elemental attacks. They will surely strengthen your ashen grip damage.
  • Alucardo
    XellJarmar wrote: »

    Mate, you can invest some CPs to the perks regarding elemental attacks. They will surely strengthen your ashen grip damage.

    Yep. I believe the base is around 5k+ without any buffs. I managed to reach just over 7k, so it must have been due to CP allocation. Still, if you have to sacrifice your primary damage for a set with minimal effect, it's not a really good trade off imho.
  • XellJarmar
    Alucardo wrote: »

    Yep. I believe the base is around 5k+ without any buffs. I managed to reach just over 7k, so it must have been due to CP allocation. Still, if you have to sacrifice your primary damage for a set with minimal effect, it's not a really good trade off imho.

    Didn't really take a look into the set actually. Thought its base attack is 7k lol. My ignorance.
  • Alucardo
    XellJarmar wrote: »

    Didn't really take a look into the set actually. Thought its base attack is 7k lol. My ignorance.

    I don't blame you. It's not really a set that comes to mind when people are looking for a new build :p
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