Hello! When queueing as a healer for random normal dungeons, I typically get a queue pop within 5 minutes. When queueing with a DPS friend tonight (while I was still on my healer), we experienced:
1. The queue took more than 35 minutes. We eventually quit out of the queue.
2. We queued and a ready check popped for my friend but I didn't even see it (wasn't in notifications or anything), and yet he said I was marked as ready. Another DPS apparently didn't accept, so it requeued us, but then we waited for 15 minutes and quit out of queue because it really shouldn't take that long.
3. Our next queue instantly popped (literally within seconds) and we got a ready check, but our tank declined. After a couple minutes we requeued because we just assumed we'd end up waiting for 15+ minutes again and then reqeueue anyway.
4. Our next queue took over 20 minutes and we gave up and logged off for the night.
If you total the above, this was well over an hour of our time wasted in queue and we didn't even end up getting our daily dungeon out of it. We have tried to play ESO together a couple times over the past year and we love dungeons but, without fail, every time we try to play the queue system sometimes just flat-out doesn't work at all and we're stuck in infinitely long queues. I had heard that the queue system was reworked, but it still seems to be broken. As a programmer, I understand that these things can be hard to fix, but if you can't figure out how to fix it, can you at least put in some messaging that'll help us understand what's going on so we can workaround it?
As a suggestion, if the queue told us what "place" we're in when queued, we might be able to see if it's moving or if it's bugged. Then we wouldn't need to wait for over 30 minutes to know for sure that we need to requeue.
Sorry if this is a duplicate or known issue; I don't know where to look for a master list of known issues in this game and a search came up with a lot of other issues that aren't exactly these.