I realize threads like this get posted every event but the fact that there seems to be zero interest or even acknowledgement of change, I'll post another. I'm trying not to speak for "all players" like many posts do but I will include my observations from guildmates and having played the game for the better part of the last 6 years.
ZOS, the Indrik was a bad idea to start with and simply reskinning that same mount as the overarching, global reward for EVERY event is absurd.
While I think the Indrik would have been an appropriate one-time reward for a Summerset specific event, it's not appropriate as the single reward for every race in every event. As a mount itself, it's anecdotally reviled by every player I know. It tends to appeal to a VERY narrow range of players as it has a look that, in my opinion, isn't consistent with most of the Elder Scrolls world. I see it in use a couple of times a week, at most. Given that virtually every player in the game has one, we would see it in use far more often if it was more appealing.
Now, I fully realize WHY ZOS went this way. The Indrik system allows events to be started and stopped with a few switches and almost zero creative effort. Re-skin the mount, add four berries, and turn the event on. But the events have gotten stale, boring, and repetitive and the lack of a desirable global reward is largely to blame.
I think the ticket system itself is fantastic. It provides a reason to log in and the fact that it's capped at 12 tickets per account makes it a nicely dynamic system (as opposed to, say, Undaunted keys, which are static). But the reward is certainly lacking.
If you're going to make a mount the global reward for every event, please don't make it themed to a single zone. Maybe add racially specific, or at least faction-specific mounts. Yes, this would require more creative resources but it would dramatically increase the excitement around your events.
I've been playing since launch. I think emotes are a waste of programming resources and non-combat pets are annoying. I don't need another anime Summerset mount so the only reason I run events today are for motifs. Please use this excellent ticket system to offer rewards attractive to a larger number of your players!