YThe people least likely to have excess Crowns to spend on slot-saving exclusive furniture are also punished for no good reason by making their houses that they paid the same price for hold only 50% of the item limit.
Yep. You can buy Greymoor with irl money, you can buy a large Crown-exclusive manor with Crowns which you bought with irl money, and you'll still get 50% less than an ESO+ sub player, even though you both paid the same price for said Chapter and house. Then you can also spend irl money on Crown-exclusive furnishings, especially if you want to furnish your halved furniture limit with a book row in 1 slot rather than having to spend 8 slots on individual books.RawBrightSilver wrote: »
I wasn't aware of that!
And this despite the fact that I spend real $$$ on purchasing crowns and DLC, like Greymoor.
Yeah, sadly this isn't the first time that $ makes housing easier, and non-paying players are punished arbitrarily.
You can craft some boxes of fruits for example, but if you want several boxes of fruit in 1 slot, that's Crowns only. You can get individual books from Mages Guild achievements, but if you want a pile of books in 1 slot, it's Crowns only. So the lit fireplace is actually pretty forgiving. Can you imagine how many slots people have to waste if they want to furnish their bookshelves with individual books, just because they don't want to pay real money for this?
And that's on top of the outrageous issue of non-ESO+ players having half the furnishing limits. The people least likely to have excess Crowns to spend on slot-saving exclusive furniture are also punished for no good reason by making their houses that they paid the same price for hold only 50% of the item limit.
It's one thing that Crown-exclusive houses are added, or that houses and furnishing packs cost too much, but some aspects of housing seem to be explicitly scummy on purpose, seemingly designed just to punish people for not paying $$$ which is honestly the part that I find most infuriating. And that's coming from someone who has an ESO+ and several Crown-exclusive homes btw.