Turn Your Quest Markers Off

Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.

  • GeorgeBlack
    In other games people try to become better at fighting or managing their resources (mp potions gold enchantments, gear)

    In eso you are told to get worse by turning off your cp and play without glyphs and proper gear to enjoy the content.

    My screen is crystal clear. The only difference from a clean client is that my resource bars have numbers on them and that I can see all my buffs debuffs and their duration with digits inside the icon boxes, but unless I play with no armor and with only 2 abilities in each bar the overland is so ez it puts me to sleep
    Edited by GeorgeBlack on April 6, 2020 4:13PM
  • Bryath
    Yes, killing that quest boss in 3 seconds will be much more rewarding if you wander around in circles for a half hour first. :s
  • justaquickword
    Bryath wrote: »
    Yes, killing that quest boss in 3 seconds will be much more rewarding if you wander around in circles for a half hour first. :s

    Only if you can't read a map.
  • Everstorm
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.
  • Lysette
    Everstorm wrote: »
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.

    See, that is RPG content - RPGs are not meant to be challenging combat-wise - they are to enjoy a story and blend in and be a character in the game world. It has some combat, but it is easy enough to be done by anybody, regardless if they like combat or not. ESO is coming from the RPG single player world and that is what they deliver in most of the overland content therefore. if it would be harder, a lot of the newer players would just say - well, that is not for me and leave again - this is not what ZOS would want.

    Take skyrim f.e. - is that hard combat-wise - certainly not, if you advance in a normal manner, you won't have any problem to get through the game and just die a few times doing so. And overland content in ESO is much like that as well.
    Edited by Lysette on April 6, 2020 5:22PM
  • justaquickword
    Everstorm wrote: »
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.

    I see. You want to head from A to B with your brain in neutral spending 5 minutes on every spongy mob in between.

    I think maybe MMORPGs aren't for you. Try an FPS if you want to run in a straight line littered with spongy mobs.
  • justaquickword
    Seriously. The amount of threads you see on this forum crying about "How easy it is" or the "lack of immersion"... 95% of them spend all their time running straight towards a big white arrow on the top of their screen...
  • Tandor
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    And if you are on PC please also disable all hand-holding add-ons.
  • Lysette
    Tandor wrote: »
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    And if you are on PC please also disable all hand-holding add-ons.

    That was the best thing I did a long time ago - removing all the add-ons - it is far more fun like this. I made this experience as well with other games, where i used a lot of mods at first. Later on i could appreciated the original content a lot more, when I just had too many mods active, that the game was no longer any challenge at all.Got rid of most of them and the game became more enjoyable.

    i'm always surprised when I talk with people in ESO, how many are unable to navigate without a mini-map. Are we already so navigator addicted, that we are unable to navigate just by looking at landmarks and remembering where we went and in which direction our destination is to be expected?- A look at the map once or twice should be enough and then we should be able to navigate there without our eyes glued to a mini-map. removing that will get you a better feel for what is where and one might just enjoy the scenery more.
    Edited by Lysette on April 6, 2020 5:40PM
  • Robo_Hobo
    I know OP isn't actually trying to be helpful, but for anyone who actually is looking for a more interactive questing experience in ESO, there's a couple add-ons that help with this, one of which does have the option to remove quest markers (though I suggest not removing ALL quest markers, as the game wasn't designed to have enough instruction on where to begin to look for things without them, like Morrowind had)

    PinKiller - Aforementioned quest marker removal options add-on

    True exploration - Makes the maps not show everything until you walk around to uncover it, it's great for dungeons and makes even delves feel a little more interesting to go through, since you don't know how big it is until you see everything. However you need to have it effect overland zones too for it to work in dungeons, which is a bit unfortunate as I was hoping for only dungeons.

    Less important, but Skylike Dialogue and No quest Dialogue work together pretty well, makes conversations with NPCs a little more interesting.

    For game settings, I would recommend turning off combat cues so there isn't blatant red circles indicating attacks. It's overland which is already super underpowered so getting hit by them won't be one shots, and will help make you feel like you have to pay a little more attention to watch when those attacks are about to happen. Being in First person or at least 3rd person with a lower FOV does this too, as well as making the game world feel a little bigger.

    DarkerNights supposedly has an option to make dungeons darker, enough that it's encouraged to use Almalexia's lantern, but I haven't gotten it to work too well, but alternatively you could just have brightness in settings turned all the way down.

    All of this doesn't help the fact that you can't die in overland without serious and time-consuming self-nerfing which you just have to undo anytime you want to do anything other than quest, and even then is only a bandaid partial solution anyway...but it does help a bit. Most of this only really makes the questing atmosphere a little better, but maybe that will be enough to be a little distracting from the too-easy overland problem.
  • justaquickword
    I'm not being helpful by pointing out something that improves immersion and something that a large percentage of the playerbase probably don't realise is an option?

    I do apologise. I see now you can only be helpful on here if you compose a short essay on the subject whilst advertising unofficial add ons.
  • SirMewser
    Lysette wrote: »
    Everstorm wrote: »
    Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.


    This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.

    See, that is RPG content - RPGs are not meant to be challenging combat-wise - they are to enjoy a story and blend in and be a character in the game world. It has some combat, but it is easy enough to be done by anybody, regardless if they like combat or not. ESO is coming from the RPG single player world and that is what they deliver in most of the overland content therefore. if it would be harder, a lot of the newer players would just say - well, that is not for me and leave again - this is not what ZOS would want.

    Take skyrim f.e. - is that hard combat-wise - certainly not, if you advance in a normal manner, you won't have any problem to get through the game and just die a few times doing so. And overland content in ESO is much like that as well.

    Does defining what an RPG is (that was in your opinion), excuse player demand?

    Personally, I don't find one shotting everything - to be fun. That is emphasized by my own experiences which includes (but not limited to) previous TES titles.

    As for the Skyrim statement, it can be challenging when you're not playing on easy mode. That's why legendary was implemented. Players had to actually come up with tactics, get a follower that complemented their play style, stock up on pots/scrolls, and use abilities that provided utility for their approach(es).

    It's also why mods exist to enhance this. It's why Bethesda acknowledges this and has released their own additions via creation club and the implementation of legendary mode.

    Even in Morrowind you had to actually prepare yourself before venturing out.

    Same in Baldur's Gate.

    As well, Dungeons and Dragons.

    Doesn't having an easy game make character building, inconsequential? There is no need to; develop, design, nor resolve... Anything.

    Oblivion or easy mode Skyrim is not your answer (as much as you like to claim). Even if RPGs were defined that way, it doesn't discount the players who want to up the difficulty or the fact that there is no slider in the settings to do so; hence, the element of being an MMO cannot be ignored nor it's people.
    Edited by SirMewser on April 6, 2020 6:07PM
  • Waynerx8
    Nice to see another stupid thread.
  • Taliho
    I do much prefer to look at the scenery that I’m passing. With compass on I find myself almost looking through the screen, with eyes just glancing at the arrow compass. Having to work my way around environments is satisfying. Also find I’m far more likely to remember things.
  • krachall
    LOL. Talk about COMPLETELY missing the point. Quests? rofl.

    As for quest markers, the quests were designed around quest markers, which is why there are so few directions in the quest text. Unless you're into targeting every pixel in an area, you either need quest markers or dramatically more detailed quest descriptions. The reason ZOS quests are so poorly written is primarily because they know players will just follow the arrow.

    If you've played games without quest markers, you'll see how differently quests are written.

    But obviously the years of comments about overland difficulty have absolutely nothing to do with quests. lol.
  • justaquickword
    krachall wrote: »
    LOL. Talk about COMPLETELY missing the point. Quests? rofl.

    As for quest markers, the quests were designed around quest markers, which is why there are so few directions in the quest text. Unless you're into targeting every pixel in an area, you either need quest markers or dramatically more detailed quest descriptions. The reason ZOS quests are so poorly written is primarily because they know players will just follow the arrow.

    If you've played games without quest markers, you'll see how differently quests are written.

    But obviously the years of comments about overland difficulty have absolutely nothing to do with quests. lol.

    ^ Sponge Mob Spare Rants.

  • Nanfoodle
    Ya finding where ya need to go is not the problem. It's when the boss of some huge plot and you kill his minions in 1 to 2 combat skills and 3 hours of killing mobs that easy, you get to the boss of the plot no other in the kingdom could take care of and he dies in under 20 seconds and you don't lose any health to boot. People play content like this and get to top level and start Qing for vet dungeons and no wonder people fail not knowing how to survive a fight.

    I have read on forums how easy ESO is, never needing more then 3 skills and you don't till you get into the fun content. I played the Greymoore opening chapter and it felt like level 5 content with a good story and beautiful looking zones. Why?
  • daemonios
    Lysette wrote: »
    Take skyrim f.e. - is that hard combat-wise - certainly not, if you advance in a normal manner, you won't have any problem to get through the game and just die a few times doing so. And overland content in ESO is much like that as well.

    The same Skyrim that has a difficulty slider that makes you die to oneshots from dragons, dragon priests, giants, mammoths and many other enemies until you can equip dragon armour? Do point me towards the difficulty slider in ESO.

    Your concept of RPG and its difficulty or lack of it is not a universal definition of RPG.
    Edited by daemonios on April 6, 2020 7:08PM
  • RefLiberty
    I don't want to spend 15 minutes of my life fighting buffed mud crap that I pulled aggro while traversing from point a to point b.
    Leave Overland as it is.
    Edited by RefLiberty on April 6, 2020 7:07PM
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