justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.
justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.
justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
And if you are on PC please also disable all hand-holding add-ons.
justaquickword wrote: »Please disable all in game quest markers before you come on to the forum complaining about how easy overland content is.
This somehow makes the mobs harder? People complaining about easy overland aren't complaining about the quests, they are complaining about the mobs, the fights.
See, that is RPG content - RPGs are not meant to be challenging combat-wise - they are to enjoy a story and blend in and be a character in the game world. It has some combat, but it is easy enough to be done by anybody, regardless if they like combat or not. ESO is coming from the RPG single player world and that is what they deliver in most of the overland content therefore. if it would be harder, a lot of the newer players would just say - well, that is not for me and leave again - this is not what ZOS would want.
Take skyrim f.e. - is that hard combat-wise - certainly not, if you advance in a normal manner, you won't have any problem to get through the game and just die a few times doing so. And overland content in ESO is much like that as well.
LOL. Talk about COMPLETELY missing the point. Quests? rofl.
As for quest markers, the quests were designed around quest markers, which is why there are so few directions in the quest text. Unless you're into targeting every pixel in an area, you either need quest markers or dramatically more detailed quest descriptions. The reason ZOS quests are so poorly written is primarily because they know players will just follow the arrow.
If you've played games without quest markers, you'll see how differently quests are written.
But obviously the years of comments about overland difficulty have absolutely nothing to do with quests. lol.
Take skyrim f.e. - is that hard combat-wise - certainly not, if you advance in a normal manner, you won't have any problem to get through the game and just die a few times doing so. And overland content in ESO is much like that as well.