Overload is an extinct skill as double-pets are. Nerfed into oblivion.justaquickword wrote: »Buff Overload.
Comedy thread of the day 😏
BalticBlues wrote: »Overload is an extinct skill as double-pets are. Nerfed into oblivion.justaquickword wrote: »Buff Overload.
Comedy thread of the day 😏
Do you even remember the last time you saw these skills in PvP? I don't.
People play Elder Stamina Online these days- heavy knights and 2H. This is not comedy 😏
You never played with two pets, right?justaquickword wrote: »Was putting a pet on both bars ever a skill?
They are nothing but glorified passives.
They are nothing but glorified passives
They are nothing but glorified passives
Pets have active abilities that need to be used just as much as any other ability on the bar to actually be effective.
No one who plays at beyond potato level would just set and forget the pets.
oXI_Viper_IXo wrote: »Will you ever stop asking for nerfs to everything else and buffs for your specific build? It's getting really old.
PTS bugs/opinion regarding overload:
- Snare removal not being applied.
- Empower buff not being applied. (The LA empower used to apply to overload so why not HA)?
- Range still buggy doesn't consistently hit moving targets. (Personally I still think its really small, its even smaller than Dawnbreaker radius.. LOL).
- (Damage is only decent if you can proc off-balance (not easy to get the setup right), now that is being nerfed).
- All regular heavy attacks are getting a damage buff, to compensate for off-balance/sustain tweaks however currently overload HA isn't.
That's just off the top of my head.
phoenixkungfu wrote: »IMO..
PTS bugs/opinion regarding overload:
- Snare removal not being applied.
- Empower buff not being applied. (The LA empower used to apply to overload so why not HA)?
- Range still buggy doesn't consistently hit moving targets. (Personally I still think its really small, its even smaller than Dawnbreaker radius.. LOL).
- (Damage is only decent if you can proc off-balance (not easy to get the setup right), now that is being nerfed).
- All regular heavy attacks are getting a damage buff, to compensate for off-balance/sustain tweaks however currently overload HA isn't.
That's just off the top of my head.
Ok, this tigger me. I had to break my silence. Overload was fine when the heavy attack range was 14meters. It was fun useful and it made a sorcerer feel unique. Then the nightblades cry they couldn't dodge roll and free cloak away. So they nerf it to 8 meters. I STILL USE OVERLOAD. But man is it hard. It's now super easy to hit thin air when you should get the killing blow. Unlike most other ultimates your locked in doing the ultimate plus OVERLOAD HEAVY DOESN'T TARGET LOCK. so your burst is limited compare to a meteor, leap, incap. There is no stun. So it's all about the accumulation effectiveness. The range nerf GREATLY EFFECTS the effectiveness.
For the record
AT NO POINT was overload effective to use without a combo in pvp.
So range nerf to overload heavy attack indirectly made sorcerer gameplay extremely tanky in two ways.
1. You have to build tanky while wearing overload sets. So you can get in. 8meter range can equal eazy UNBLOCKABLE stun. Which interrupted you from getting the killing blow. Because OVERLOAD DOESN'T TARGET LOCK you have to get in close.
2. You have to build tanky because the r and g of where you started your overload heavy attack channel. Can equal a free dodge roll out given the opponent a free getaway. When on your end your believing the overload is hitting. Which then leave you open to a DESYNC ultimate combo.
There is NOTHING WORST then the feeling of getting robbed then dying to a ultimate that target lock. While your OVERLOAD DOESN'T TARGET LOCK
Before the range nerf changes overload hit hard enough and had the range to encourage to build for maximum damage at the risk of getting hit hard aka glass cannon style. With the range nerf to overload this indirectly made heavy attack overload builds more tanky. The risk reward is extremely low to build full damage in heavyattack sets.
Ultimately to create faster gameplay. At a minimum the snare should be remove to give Incentive to be more offense and give overload user and more rewarding gameplay. To a ultimate that DOESN'T TARGET LOCK
It's worth noting that this probably isn't a bug. The pts notes say "Mend Wounds has been intentionally untouched for the time being, as well as Overload". I figure that raising the inconsistency with other heavy attacks isn't a bad thing though.