Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
Ydrisselle wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
Try to play on PC EU during EU prime time, like now...
Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
brandonv516 wrote: »Give me a call then, we'll talk.
867-5309 - ask for Jenny!
Ydrisselle wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
Try to play on PC EU during EU prime time, like now...
we should send a zos a message and make it clear that we're done letting them ignore us when we say we're not happy with how they're refusing to acknowledge how terrible the performance continues to be..
brandonv516 wrote: »Give me a call then, we'll talk.
867-5309 - ask for Jenny!
I say we should all stop buying crowns to buy in game items, chapters and so on, until they do what they promised us, and fix the performance issue that plagues eso.
think about it. if they receive a reduction in profit, they'll have to take notice.
Well, i said it years ago already - as long as you guys keep zerging performance will not get much better - you are the problem. This and mashing buttons like mad men - too many requests, too many AoE and DoT effects stacked in very small space results in mass amounts of messaging necessary - not the calculations are the problem, but the messaging resulting from it - you simply overload the server. ZOS basically tries to deal with the symptoms, but the root cause is your behavior.
Well, and of course your combat add-ons, which increase requests on top of it - just use a little math to figure out how the amount of necessary messaging is increasing with more and more nodes which have to be informed about what is going on among them.
VaranisArano wrote: »Well, i said it years ago already - as long as you guys keep zerging performance will not get much better - you are the problem. This and mashing buttons like mad men - too many requests, too many AoE and DoT effects stacked in very small space results in mass amounts of messaging necessary - not the calculations are the problem, but the messaging resulting from it - you simply overload the server. ZOS basically tries to deal with the symptoms, but the root cause is your behavior.
Well, and of course your combat add-ons, which increase requests on top of it - just use a little math to figure out how the amount of necessary messaging is increasing with more and more nodes which have to be informed about what is going on among them.
Zerging: Playing an AvAvA zone designed for large scale combat between groups of 8 to 24 and with objectives like Emperorship that are explicitly designed to draw as many players to the battlefield as possible...
Cyrodiil is designed to create zergs.
But, no, it's 100% our fault that players all show up for important objectives. ZOS bears absolutely no responsibility for supporting playing in Cyrodiil as its designed.
Sylvermynx wrote: »Ydrisselle wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »But I'm not having any issues playing the game - not even on the EU server. So I'm not interested in not subbing or shopping. Now if you want to specify you're talking specifically to those who do end game and pvp, fine.
Try to play on PC EU during EU prime time, like now...
I am on PC EU right now, and have been since mid-morning - catching up the MQ on my second account, and doing some of the DC zone quests in between. In fact, when I'm playing on PC EU, it's always your prime time. I just finished Stirk, and am ready to start dinner, so won't be back until tomorrow. Or maybe Monday - as I have my second account on NA ready to do Sancre Tor.
Well, i said it years ago already - as long as you guys keep zerging performance will not get much better - you are the problem. This and mashing buttons like mad men - too many requests, too many AoE and DoT effects stacked in very small space results in mass amounts of messaging necessary - not the calculations are the problem, but the messaging resulting from it - you simply overload the server. ZOS basically tries to deal with the symptoms, but the root cause is your behavior.
Well, and of course your combat add-ons, which increase requests on top of it - just use a little math to figure out how the amount of necessary messaging is increasing with more and more nodes which have to be informed about what is going on among them.
Well, i said it years ago already - as long as you guys keep zerging performance will not get much better - you are the problem. This and mashing buttons like mad men - too many requests, too many AoE and DoT effects stacked in very small space results in mass amounts of messaging necessary - not the calculations are the problem, but the messaging resulting from it - you simply overload the server. ZOS basically tries to deal with the symptoms, but the root cause is your behavior.
Well, and of course your combat add-ons, which increase requests on top of it - just use a little math to figure out how the amount of necessary messaging is increasing with more and more nodes which have to be informed about what is going on among them.
Thevampirenight wrote: »Players do need to do social distancing in Cyrodiil. Like maybe stay 10 to 15 feet apart with one another and not spam abilities so much. Maybe they can practice what we have to do in real life to the Cyrodiil game play and maybe not go into groups of more then ten.