Yester festival... mudballing, mudballing, mudballing. I'ts nothing wrong to get some from time to time - I can accept this, despite I'm grumpy, old man. But overdose of this, lasting many weeks after Festival is over...
Or, ewen worse, destroying somebody's work at outfit stations, disturbing during NPCs interaction or stealing nodes/locked chests when one's about to pick them. Many times discussed at forums.
So I have an idea: new Memento.
While slotted (into quickslot or disguise/tabard slot, depends on Dev's invention) Player being targeted by mudball/snowball/other behaviour changing memento receive either:
- 20% chance to fire Wabbajack impulse to attacker, changing him/her into a chicken for 1 second
- 60% chance to reflect throwing effect back to attacker
Memento is disabled during Yester festivals and in PvP areas
I think all will be delighted. Players enjoying trolling others now will have additional fun (receiving hits back), those who dislike those activities have chance to defence. Mudballing is not dismissed from game.