Back from a long hiatus. Back when, I'd just slap it on and run with it all the time. Now I'm wondering when exactly it no longer makes sense to run it.
Fights that you can get to 20 stacks, but then it drops due to mechs? 10 stacks? Is there something better even if you can get to 20 but 20 stack uptime is iffy?
Trying to figure the breakdown point, and that's difficult to test on a dummy.
Currently running Rele and Deadly on a stamplar when it's a parse fight, and VO/whatever (AY I think it is) for trash and fights where the Rele uptime is meh. Dropped the game shortly after SS came out, so no lokke yet. Thinking Rele/Deadly for solid single-target fights, then Lokke/VO or /Deadly for the rest. But where does the rest begin?
Probably is moot in a few months...