Lapin_Logic wrote: »ZOS: "We nerfed a trial to make it easier"
Players: "THIS CAN NOT STAND, it will be too easy"
ZOS: "We reworked LA weaving, this will result in much Lower DPS making content much more difficult for end game players"
Lapin_Logic wrote: »ZOS: "We nerfed a trial to make it easier"
Players: "THIS CAN NOT STAND, it will be too easy"
ZOS: "We reworked LA weaving, this will result in much Lower DPS making content much more difficult for end game players"
Lapin_Logic wrote: »ZOS: "We nerfed a trial to make it easier"
Players: "THIS CAN NOT STAND, it will be too easy"
ZOS: "We reworked LA weaving, this will result in much Lower DPS difference between players that do weave, and do not."
Players: "NOOOOOOOO Those changes don't even do that, the heck zos"
John_Falstaff wrote: »
...and that's why the game keeps getting dumbed down; because there's a ton of aggressive casuals who already heard something about trials having mechanics, but yet to hear that they also happen to have dps checks. Poor sods.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »John_Falstaff wrote: »
...and that's why the game keeps getting dumbed down; because there's a ton of aggressive casuals who already heard something about trials having mechanics, but yet to hear that they also happen to have dps checks. Poor sods.
T3hasiangod on Youtube did some parses with an unaltered build and rotation, he did 1 LA rotation, 1 HA rotation and 1 mixed.
LA rotation did 78k DPS
HA rotation did 65kDPS
There is not a DPS check that cannot be passed, it just can't be stomped all over.
Also you do Know this is a PTS, they ALWAYS start with the worse case scenario and then scale it back, they are looking for constructive Feedback not "World First!!", Fabrication sheath wearing "End game progression" elitists REEEEEEing all over the forum, they will still be "The Best" in the new meta anyway
News flash, this game isnt just trials. And all they had to do was reduce the damage from the CP star with light attacks, and viola, no one wouldve said a thing. The proposed changes will make my light attacks in no cp, the most popular campaign in EU PC, go from 2700 to NINE HUNDRED. That is just ridiculous.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »
News flash, this game isnt just trials. And all they had to do was reduce the damage from the CP star with light attacks, and viola, no one wouldve said a thing. The proposed changes will make my light attacks in no cp, the most popular campaign in EU PC, go from 2700 to NINE HUNDRED. That is just ridiculous.
It does feel like Light attacks just tickle the enemy to death, fortunately enemy players also tickle you back.
They do need to meet in the middle on damage, this is only the first PTS and the first Cut is always the deepest
And then scale back? they flat out lleft the insane buffs to dots for 3 months on live, and then they never recovered from the unbridled insane nerf they got afterthat.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »
And then scale back? they flat out lleft the insane buffs to dots for 3 months on live, and then they never recovered from the unbridled insane nerf they got afterthat.
You Liked the Heavy DoT Meta in PVP? or the "Skilful" way you could throw a couple of DoTs on mobs and run away from it while it melts automatically behind you?
Lapin_Logic wrote: »There is not a DPS check that cannot be passed, it just can't be stomped all over.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »
And then scale back? they flat out lleft the insane buffs to dots for 3 months on live, and then they never recovered from the unbridled insane nerf they got afterthat.
You Liked the Heavy DoT Meta in PVP? or the "Skilful" way you could throw a couple of DoTs on mobs and run away from it while it melts automatically behind you?
John_Falstaff wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »There is not a DPS check that cannot be passed, it just can't be stomped all over.
If I knew I'd see such mixture of ignorance and aggression, would've stocked up on popcorn.
John_Falstaff wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »There is not a DPS check that cannot be passed, it just can't be stomped all over.
If I knew I'd see such mixture of ignorance and aggression, would've stocked up on popcorn.
You'll just have to make do with TP for now
John_Falstaff wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »There is not a DPS check that cannot be passed, it just can't be stomped all over.
If I knew I'd see such mixture of ignorance and aggression, would've stocked up on popcorn.
You'll just have to make do with TP for now
Will TP do more damage than LA or HA? I have extra.