Performance please...?

Soul Shriven
I've been a player from beta (With some small breaks because of obvious resons) but i cant take this any more. I've supporterd ESO from the get go with the plus membership and whatsover but i have always turned a blind eye to the lags, especially in cyrodil because i could always play some battlegrounds or whatever. But now when the servers get semi populated the whole game is laging, It lags in titlescreen, it lags in the sandbox enviorment, it lags in battleground, it lags in trials, it lags in dungeons and god damn it lags in cyrodil. The game is now unplayable period. Fix it. we all love the game you got here but your long time supporters are getting tired of this now.
  • oxygen_thief
    1 turn off your addons
    2 restart you router
    3 l2p
    4 nerf sorcs
  • valeriiya
    5 Buy something from the Crown Store
  • Major_Lag
    6. Shut up and go play housing, fashion, crafting or picking flowers
    7. Buy more crowns to support doing the above
    8. ??????
    9. Profit! (for ZOS, that is :trollface:)
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