Considering several factors : (ie: Orc Non-CP bug / nerfs to stamina builds / upcoming changes proposed on PTS), I am wondering if myself and others (many of whom are veteran players who have played since launch / purchase ESO+ / purchase crowns regularly) would consider a refund of crowns spent on race change tokens this last twelve months and a few free race change tokens an act of goodwill?
I know that change is inevitable. I appreciate wanting to appeal to a new players and the casual player fan base. The time and in game gold players invest into developing characters and playing can not be refunded every time builds, gear, skills, and combat is nerfed; however the very real money invested in crowns for race change tokens can be.
I see merit in narrowing the skill gap (to a certain extent so most players can enjoy end game content). However, I am finding many community voices with plausible arguments that these changes don't and won't narrow skill gap (not to mention that some achievements, titles, and rewards should be reserved for dedication and skill or they loose all value).
In my honest opinion, other more valuable changes would create a community where veteran players continue enjoying content, and new players stick around to become veteran players:
FIx Bugs
Revamp Old Underused Items (Not Popular Items)
Make Achievements & Guild Systems Account Wide
Rework Guild & Trader System (to be more Social instead of Gold Driven)
Make Treasure Chests Valuable (Gold Mats / Purple Diagrams / Mundane Runes / Transmute Crystals...)
Getting off track. But yeah.. What do you think about race token refunds?
Edited by squirre1monkey on March 24, 2020 1:09PM @squirre1monkey na / pc --- a.k.a