What Gives The Drive To Play?
Over the weekend I’m playing with a number of Console Converts on PC NA. I myself said I’d never go back to PC, it’s just too much to grind up. But here we are.
Is It The Add-Ons?
I thought they would be so cool! And they are kind of. But they don’t just work like you want them to straight outa the box. I have all these darn missing libraries you have to go track down, then re-start minion, re-start UI see if it’s working now etc. it’s a big pain to try and get them working and then get used to and very time consuming.
Here’s A Few:
The lore book app is freaking ridiculous. Mages Guild 10 took me a solid week on console doing only mages guild. You can get that in a day with this add-on.
Surveys! OMG surveys take up a few of the big storage crates at my house on PS4. The add-on makes them silly easy to do.
Lazy Writ Dude: it’s pretty cool. Ok, it’s not gonna craft everything for you with the click of a button, or maybe it does and I haven’t figured that out yet? But it does tell you exactly what to craft when you access a crafting station with a writ. Without having to fumble through the journal and try to remember
Gear Change with one button? I’ve seen videos of people using that, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how it works?
MiniMap. Uhm, there’s a number of these mini maps floating around and people rave over them; I haven’t found a good one to use yet. One has too small of a map area to be useful, another one set itself smack dab in the middle of my monitor, I couldn’t figure out how to move it. I’m quite used to not having one at all really.
Raid Notifier: this is the thing that tells you to “block Now!” Or “you are being targeted” well anyways, by the time it tells me to do something and I figure out what to do, I’m already dead meat. So, not quite as useful as some might think.
Combat Metrics: every raid on console wants this! I gotta tell ya, it is cool; but quite humbling as well. When you see the kind of DPS you put out in dungeons; it is so different from what the dummy bumpers may have you believe. Watch your 90k dps turn into 15k when you have to play mechanics. Watch my 15k dps be %60 of the group damage. And I still get looked down on because I’m CP 200. SMDH
ESO Logs: yeah it’s a thing. I haven’t even bothered getting into it yet. Shoot, I’m not even sure where to start.
Was It The PTS?
I thought the PTS would be a lot cooler.
Here’s the thing: no one is on the pts.
GL getting a group to do whatever cool stuff you thought you were gonna do.
Our most valuable resource is obviously our limited time to play. And no one is gonna waste it screwing around here where all progress is gets reset every 2 weeks. It’s a testing environment and that’s it.
Here’s What I Think It May Be
Starting over, you feel challenged, you feel progress, it feels fun.
When the game was leveled not scaled, it was rough fighting a lv40 mudcrab at lv 20. Then you come back at Vet10 and one spin to win clears a whole swamp of lv 40 mud crabs. We can’t go back. There were other flaws with that system that scaling handles much better.
But we’ve been Stagnant for awhile now. There’s no feeling of character getting stronger. It’s just chasing meta setup then getting bored and trying out off meta.
We’ve heard they’re gonna do something with the Champion Point System, but they really need to do something quick. Character progression is important and has gone by the wayside for too long now.
Crafting. The research times are still way out of whack. I’d strongly guess most people are gonna lose interest in this game way before they’re able to craft anything they want. And jewelry crafting could be so much cooler if it weren’t so prohibitively expensive in game even still.