Q1 HoW sAtIsFiEd ArE yOu?

HoW hApPy YoU fEeL aBoUt ThE AmAzInG nEw ChApTeR
ArE yOu ExCitEd As MuCh As ZeNiMaX eMpLoyEe SaId YoU sHoUlD bE iN lIvE sTrEam?
  • wakeyjimb16_ESO
    Rather looking forward to it yes. Glad to see you're so excited you've temporarily lost motor function in your hands.
  • The_Old_Goat
    Any bets on his age group?
  • darthgummibear_ESO
    I'm looking forward to the story content and vamp changes in the upcoming update, but their propensity for making gameplay objectively worse with each patch worries me. Supposedly vamps are getting a proper feeding animation, but blade of woe animations STILL bug out half the time, and as of this past week most of my personalities randomly stop their animations. The only gameplay feature that consistently works for me without problems is housing. Literally everything else is a complete crapshoot.
    Edited by darthgummibear_ESO on March 22, 2020 10:57AM
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