I've seen this come up a lot recently. I'm unfamiliar with the term.
  • InaMoonlight
    Yes, I think so :)
    Edit = Typos ... as usual. <;D
  • L_Nici
    A desynch basically means, that you have a huge time delay on Abillities or Healthbars and location issues.

    If your health in battle stays at 100% permanentely even though you can confirm that you got hit, you are Health Desyncht. If you don't heal against it even though it is not needed visually, you will die in onehit, as soon as your healthbar should reach 0, because that forces an update, you change from alive to dead.

    That also happens the other way around, if you cast skills and obviously should hit the enemy but don't, or get stuck in an animation, do not stop to rotate, this is what will happen after a short time:
    It could also happen that you permanently get the message "Enemy out of range" since on your end he is not, but on the servers end he is gone already.
    In most cases you won't diconnect from the server, as soon as the desynch ends, by dying or doing that amazing Macro Slice stuff, you are synchronized with the server again.
    Edited by L_Nici on March 20, 2020 3:22PM
  • technohic
    I will just be nice and say its a typo and not just people not paying attention to what the correct spelling is, or what question you are actually asking
  • Thevampirenight
    Desync is another term for Lag basically. Going by what Gilliam said in a video about the blocking changes. Animation canceling is a form of Desyncing. So there is beneficial desyncs and well the bad kind of desyncs. So yeah a lot of people intentionally desync abilties to cast them faster and do more damage and other stuff like that. So its kinda a thing with Elder Scrolls Online. People complain, about performance and lag but also don't want them to remove beneficial lag that allows faster casting.

    Edited by Thevampirenight on March 20, 2020 5:05PM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • relentless_turnip
    L_Nici wrote: »
    A desynch basically means, that you have a huge time delay on Abillities or Healthbars and location issues.

    If your health in battle stays at 100% permanentely even though you can confirm that you got hit, you are Health Desyncht. If you don't heal against it even though it is not needed visually, you will die in onehit, as soon as your healthbar should reach 0, because that forces an update, you change from alive to dead.

    That also happens the other way around, if you cast skills and obviously should hit the enemy but don't, or get stuck in an animation, do not stop to rotate, this is what will happen after a short time:
    It could also happen that you permanently get the message "Enemy out of range" since on your end he is not, but on the servers end he is gone already.
    In most cases you won't diconnect from the server, as soon as the desynch ends, by dying or doing that amazing Macro Slice stuff, you are synchronized with the server again.

    I've never seen that performance clip before :lol::lol:

    It is hilariously bad.
  • Thogard
    The vast majority of people using this term have absolutely no idea what it means and are not using it correctly.

    Delay between abilities is lag, not desync.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I attributed the use of dysynch to a typo or whoever typed it being non-native English speaker.
  • technohic
    Thogard wrote: »
    The vast majority of people using this term have absolutely no idea what it means and are not using it correctly.

    Delay between abilities is lag, not desync.

    The OP is really talking about the difference in spelling but you are right here on the meaning; but I think a lot of the reason abilities just plain are not going off or hitching is because of location de-sync. Its almost crazy to see the difference in a ranged build right now compared to melee, outside of LOS which has a lot of opportunity to screw with range. Still bad because of that but in open field, fighting a good magsorc is a nightmare.
  • relentless_turnip
    Thogard wrote: »
    The vast majority of people using this term have absolutely no idea what it means and are not using it correctly.

    Delay between abilities is lag, not desync.

    That is debatable your skills can be desynced from the buttons that activate them. The cause can be lag but the result is a desync!
  • snoozy
    since thread is so insightful, i came here to farm some. :smiley:
    PC EU
  • snoozy
    that typo has bothered me since that thread showed up :confounded:
    PC EU
  • xxthir13enxx
    It’s a Desync that has been brought to you by
    Dyson...they both suck
  • Coppes
    L_Nici wrote: »
    A desynch basically means, that you have a huge time delay on Abillities or Healthbars and location issues.

    If your health in battle stays at 100% permanentely even though you can confirm that you got hit, you are Health Desyncht. If you don't heal against it even though it is not needed visually, you will die in onehit, as soon as your healthbar should reach 0, because that forces an update, you change from alive to dead.

    That also happens the other way around, if you cast skills and obviously should hit the enemy but don't, or get stuck in an animation, do not stop to rotate, this is what will happen after a short time:
    It could also happen that you permanently get the message "Enemy out of range" since on your end he is not, but on the servers end he is gone already.
    In most cases you won't diconnect from the server, as soon as the desynch ends, by dying or doing that amazing Macro Slice stuff, you are synchronized with the server again.

    That video is hilarious, the ridiculous-ness of the animations all coming at once and the screams of the NPC on the other end of the flurry.
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