All classes are absolutely viable as healers if you're not trying to be BiS. I haven't sorc-healed myself (properly that is) and know it's more common in PVP, but you can get achievements on anything. NB healer is a personal favorite of mine and it's super fun, and while DK is a lot rarer I've also heard that people enjoy it quite a bit. So yes, any of them will work. Depending on the class however, you may want to consider making yourself an offheal type where you still do some damage on the side, as some classes don't offer a lot of group utility skills and you won't need the amount of heals you'll have skill slots for. But in the end that's also up to you.
Only thing I'll say is that depending on how difficult the achievements you want are, other players might not be happy about your choice. This might mean that pugging isn't necessarily the best option, and you'd be better off trying to find a group of people that want to run with this kind of setup. What kind of content were you wanting to run with this?
As for sets, that kind of depends how off-meta you want to go with this. Healing sets are pretty much the same, no matter what class you're on. Kind of ties into what I said above, where people would probably expect you to be able to offer certain buffs, like Olo. If you're going offheal with some DD thrown in there, you can choose how much you want to focus on which aspect also. Kind of depends on if you're looking for a more niche setup, or if you want to be told the standard stuff most healers run.
I really hope I'm not babbling too much for you, sorry in advance.Cirantille wrote: »All classes are absolutely viable as healers if you're not trying to be BiS. I haven't sorc-healed myself (properly that is) and know it's more common in PVP, but you can get achievements on anything. NB healer is a personal favorite of mine and it's super fun, and while DK is a lot rarer I've also heard that people enjoy it quite a bit. So yes, any of them will work. Depending on the class however, you may want to consider making yourself an offheal type where you still do some damage on the side, as some classes don't offer a lot of group utility skills and you won't need the amount of heals you'll have skill slots for. But in the end that's also up to you.
Only thing I'll say is that depending on how difficult the achievements you want are, other players might not be happy about your choice. This might mean that pugging isn't necessarily the best option, and you'd be better off trying to find a group of people that want to run with this kind of setup. What kind of content were you wanting to run with this?
As for sets, that kind of depends how off-meta you want to go with this. Healing sets are pretty much the same, no matter what class you're on. Kind of ties into what I said above, where people would probably expect you to be able to offer certain buffs, like Olo. If you're going offheal with some DD thrown in there, you can choose how much you want to focus on which aspect also. Kind of depends on if you're looking for a more niche setup, or if you want to be told the standard stuff most healers run.
First thank you for the lengthy and clear explanation
Yes, I tried PvP healing with my Sorc and negate was pretty much a life saver there
I just wish to clear the vet dungeons and trials for achievements, ones that give out dyes mostly, or personalities etc
Do sorcs go to these types of contents?
I think I would want to use something that is useful for the group. I heard Olorime yes, what else do you use on your healers?
Side question: How do you stack health as a healer, because sets do not seem to give that much but I have been told that it would be best if I have like 25 to 30 k health?
I really hope I'm not babbling too much for you, sorry in advance.Cirantille wrote: »All classes are absolutely viable as healers if you're not trying to be BiS. I haven't sorc-healed myself (properly that is) and know it's more common in PVP, but you can get achievements on anything. NB healer is a personal favorite of mine and it's super fun, and while DK is a lot rarer I've also heard that people enjoy it quite a bit. So yes, any of them will work. Depending on the class however, you may want to consider making yourself an offheal type where you still do some damage on the side, as some classes don't offer a lot of group utility skills and you won't need the amount of heals you'll have skill slots for. But in the end that's also up to you.
Only thing I'll say is that depending on how difficult the achievements you want are, other players might not be happy about your choice. This might mean that pugging isn't necessarily the best option, and you'd be better off trying to find a group of people that want to run with this kind of setup. What kind of content were you wanting to run with this?
As for sets, that kind of depends how off-meta you want to go with this. Healing sets are pretty much the same, no matter what class you're on. Kind of ties into what I said above, where people would probably expect you to be able to offer certain buffs, like Olo. If you're going offheal with some DD thrown in there, you can choose how much you want to focus on which aspect also. Kind of depends on if you're looking for a more niche setup, or if you want to be told the standard stuff most healers run.
First thank you for the lengthy and clear explanation
Yes, I tried PvP healing with my Sorc and negate was pretty much a life saver there
I just wish to clear the vet dungeons and trials for achievements, ones that give out dyes mostly, or personalities etc
Do sorcs go to these types of contents?
I think I would want to use something that is useful for the group. I heard Olorime yes, what else do you use on your healers?
Side question: How do you stack health as a healer, because sets do not seem to give that much but I have been told that it would be best if I have like 25 to 30 k health?
Well, vet trials vs vet dungeons are definitely a big gap. Depends on how far you wanna go with that stuff too. Some titles, skins and personalities do require you to completely HMs and challenger achievements. Some of the vDLC ones aren't easy.
For dungeons, pretty much anything can be done without a healer in the first place, and can certainly be done with healers of any class. The thing about healers is that the differences in classes really are mostly about buffs/debuffs and stuff like that. As far as raw healing and keeping people alive goes, you are 100% good to go with any class. How far beyond that you can go is the question (and I'll be honest and say that sorc toolkit is one I'm barely familiar with, so I don't really know what the best stuff you have to offer your group is). I don't think a lot of people do this stuff on sorc heal, probably more if you look at off-heals. It probably won't be the most optimised run, but you don't need to worry about facing insane amounts of extra difficulty or anything. If you're just going for vet clears, as long as you play well and don't get really unlucky running into some ***, you'll easily be fine with a sorc heal.
Vet trials are a whole nother story. Are you in guilds that run trials, or are you more looking to PUG? Vet trial pugging is a beast of its own, there's more people to appease and more blame being thrown around. Your class doesn't make you incapable of completing any of this content, but it may make you a target when things go bad. You may have to convince people to let you come in as sorc heal -- there's simply too many warden and templar heals out there for PUGs to lower their demands. I honestly recommend finding a guild for this. Find some people that are all for running for fun and on the characters you want, find people who wanna experiment, all that stuff. It will make the experience 200% more pleasant for you.
So yeah, TL;DR: All of it is completely doable as a sorc heal. It may not be the most ideal setup, and it may be more difficult for you to find groups.
Olorime is basically considered a must in most non-pug groups. It's a very good set, and nCR is easy to farm. It's also fun to use IMO, it's nice to have sets where you have to actually do something with the set to apply it, but the process isn't frustrating. In fights with spread out groups and lots of movements you get to think about how best to place it, and I think that will play into your preference of enjoying healer because you get to look at the situation and make some choices.
There are sustain sets like Hollowfang and Worm that you may want to run. Sanctuary, just for more healing, I usually see as a last resort, but can be good for messy groups. Jorvuld is also a really nice safe bet, it will help your uptimes and make the buff from Warhorn last longer. Torug's is something I personally use when lazy, I'm not sure the damage gain from it trumps other sets though. Debuff sets like Z'en and Martial Knowledge may be trickier to use but can be very fun (I wouldn't recommend starting out with them, although I think just trying out Martial Knowledge when you don't have anything else to wear is very nice).
For monster sets, Symphony of Blades gives the group sustain. Bogdan works if you want to play it safe and have some extra healing come in, and Troll King also has its uses.
Those are the ones I can personally think of right now, but that's basically excluding more niche sets because quite frankly I can't think of many. xD Not because they're not out there, but because I don't use them. Maybe someone else can give better insight in this aspect, so you don't just get my side of the coin.
Honestly, I've never had that much health on my healers outside of no-death vDLC trial runs, but that also depends on how experienced you are I guess? I usually have around 20k. If your group feels like it's needed (or if you're pugging) you'll probably have a tank wearing ebon, so that helps. If I need extra health I personally just change an enchant or two on my gear. But 30k I think is far more than you need, aim for 20k-25k at most.
I have off healed on sorc (many patches ago) with eledrain, and birdy for heals, my vSCP skin is from back then, first vFV vDoM vRoM vBRF vFH vCoS hm are from back then (i absolutely despite no death runs and resets, and i usually pug, so while i do have most skins/personalities (i think i lack vMHK) i dont think the class is what helped me get them.
PS: my dedicated healer is actually a dk, and i refuse to get any other!
Cirantille wrote: »I really hope I'm not babbling too much for you, sorry in advance.Cirantille wrote: »All classes are absolutely viable as healers if you're not trying to be BiS. I haven't sorc-healed myself (properly that is) and know it's more common in PVP, but you can get achievements on anything. NB healer is a personal favorite of mine and it's super fun, and while DK is a lot rarer I've also heard that people enjoy it quite a bit. So yes, any of them will work. Depending on the class however, you may want to consider making yourself an offheal type where you still do some damage on the side, as some classes don't offer a lot of group utility skills and you won't need the amount of heals you'll have skill slots for. But in the end that's also up to you.
Only thing I'll say is that depending on how difficult the achievements you want are, other players might not be happy about your choice. This might mean that pugging isn't necessarily the best option, and you'd be better off trying to find a group of people that want to run with this kind of setup. What kind of content were you wanting to run with this?
As for sets, that kind of depends how off-meta you want to go with this. Healing sets are pretty much the same, no matter what class you're on. Kind of ties into what I said above, where people would probably expect you to be able to offer certain buffs, like Olo. If you're going offheal with some DD thrown in there, you can choose how much you want to focus on which aspect also. Kind of depends on if you're looking for a more niche setup, or if you want to be told the standard stuff most healers run.
First thank you for the lengthy and clear explanation
Yes, I tried PvP healing with my Sorc and negate was pretty much a life saver there
I just wish to clear the vet dungeons and trials for achievements, ones that give out dyes mostly, or personalities etc
Do sorcs go to these types of contents?
I think I would want to use something that is useful for the group. I heard Olorime yes, what else do you use on your healers?
Side question: How do you stack health as a healer, because sets do not seem to give that much but I have been told that it would be best if I have like 25 to 30 k health?
Well, vet trials vs vet dungeons are definitely a big gap. Depends on how far you wanna go with that stuff too. Some titles, skins and personalities do require you to completely HMs and challenger achievements. Some of the vDLC ones aren't easy.
For dungeons, pretty much anything can be done without a healer in the first place, and can certainly be done with healers of any class. The thing about healers is that the differences in classes really are mostly about buffs/debuffs and stuff like that. As far as raw healing and keeping people alive goes, you are 100% good to go with any class. How far beyond that you can go is the question (and I'll be honest and say that sorc toolkit is one I'm barely familiar with, so I don't really know what the best stuff you have to offer your group is). I don't think a lot of people do this stuff on sorc heal, probably more if you look at off-heals. It probably won't be the most optimised run, but you don't need to worry about facing insane amounts of extra difficulty or anything. If you're just going for vet clears, as long as you play well and don't get really unlucky running into some ***, you'll easily be fine with a sorc heal.
Vet trials are a whole nother story. Are you in guilds that run trials, or are you more looking to PUG? Vet trial pugging is a beast of its own, there's more people to appease and more blame being thrown around. Your class doesn't make you incapable of completing any of this content, but it may make you a target when things go bad. You may have to convince people to let you come in as sorc heal -- there's simply too many warden and templar heals out there for PUGs to lower their demands. I honestly recommend finding a guild for this. Find some people that are all for running for fun and on the characters you want, find people who wanna experiment, all that stuff. It will make the experience 200% more pleasant for you.
So yeah, TL;DR: All of it is completely doable as a sorc heal. It may not be the most ideal setup, and it may be more difficult for you to find groups.
Olorime is basically considered a must in most non-pug groups. It's a very good set, and nCR is easy to farm. It's also fun to use IMO, it's nice to have sets where you have to actually do something with the set to apply it, but the process isn't frustrating. In fights with spread out groups and lots of movements you get to think about how best to place it, and I think that will play into your preference of enjoying healer because you get to look at the situation and make some choices.
There are sustain sets like Hollowfang and Worm that you may want to run. Sanctuary, just for more healing, I usually see as a last resort, but can be good for messy groups. Jorvuld is also a really nice safe bet, it will help your uptimes and make the buff from Warhorn last longer. Torug's is something I personally use when lazy, I'm not sure the damage gain from it trumps other sets though. Debuff sets like Z'en and Martial Knowledge may be trickier to use but can be very fun (I wouldn't recommend starting out with them, although I think just trying out Martial Knowledge when you don't have anything else to wear is very nice).
For monster sets, Symphony of Blades gives the group sustain. Bogdan works if you want to play it safe and have some extra healing come in, and Troll King also has its uses.
Those are the ones I can personally think of right now, but that's basically excluding more niche sets because quite frankly I can't think of many. xD Not because they're not out there, but because I don't use them. Maybe someone else can give better insight in this aspect, so you don't just get my side of the coin.
Honestly, I've never had that much health on my healers outside of no-death vDLC trial runs, but that also depends on how experienced you are I guess? I usually have around 20k. If your group feels like it's needed (or if you're pugging) you'll probably have a tank wearing ebon, so that helps. If I need extra health I personally just change an enchant or two on my gear. But 30k I think is far more than you need, aim for 20k-25k at most.
I figured as much since I read countless topics about how non templar healers being kicked out
I am in social guilds but today I will search for a guild like you said:)
Yes that is exactly why I liked healing, because in dd set up there is no chance to go out of your rotation, if you do, you can easily mess up and it effects your overall dps, which I feel responsible for my group. But in healing if your group buffs are up you can switch to off-heal, or if things go wrong you focus on heals purely. So frankly no one can blame you for it, if dds standing in reds:) But I never healed in a trial, they can be trickier I suppose so I can start with something like nAA
Phew, it is a relief then because I couldnt figure out how to stack so much health on a healer.
Also thank you for set suggestions, I shall start pugging for nCR, off to Craglorn
Cirantille wrote: »I have off healed on sorc (many patches ago) with eledrain, and birdy for heals, my vSCP skin is from back then, first vFV vDoM vRoM vBRF vFH vCoS hm are from back then (i absolutely despite no death runs and resets, and i usually pug, so while i do have most skins/personalities (i think i lack vMHK) i dont think the class is what helped me get them.
PS: my dedicated healer is actually a dk, and i refuse to get any other!
I tend to pug as well. Because my guilds usually have progression groups but they require to be certain class, certain races etc
I should find a guild who is after achievements but not strict set-ups, I think.
I am actually looking forward to DK healing, it will be interesting!
And how do people react when they see a DK healer?