Hello everyone!! Hope you are all good and keeping safe in this time of worry. To give you a little diversion we are doing another small Ouroboros competition which is open to EU PC and NA PC only.
There are two themes to choose from this time which are :- Pet House or Futuristic House,.
Once again there is no item limit and EHT FX can be used, however, do be aware some people don't use EHT and cannot see the effects of FX.
Competition closing date for submissions will be 31/03/2020. Voting period will then open and will close on 7/04/2020.
The prizes have been donated by Nessiankilara and Immensel, the prizes are:-
1st place 500k
2nd Place Levitating bed and Aldemeri Dominion Banner emote
3rd place 200 Mundane Runes
For the NA PC only StabbityDoom will cover the prizes and the prizes will be in gold, so for 2nd Place will be 150k and 3rd place will be 50k
Thank you to Nessiankilara , immensel for donating the prizes for this competition and stabbity for covering the NA PC prizes much appreciated indeed!!
To submit entries please submit
@name, name of house and which theme you have chosen and which server into the ouroboros Housing discord server.
Good luck and have fun everyone!!
If you have not already joined here is the link to Ouroboros Housing Discord
Edited by Shauriel on March 29, 2020 8:04AM