So todays update fixed absolutely nothing so whats next?

so now that the "fix" ZoS rolled out has had 0 effect on anything it was supposed to fix in cyro what is ZoS next move? would be great if they could actually post on the forums with whats going on whats being worked on and maybe why the insane skill delays, bars graying out for long periods of time, break free not working, and incredible desync's are happening. Its hard to run a guild when the game is going through one disaster after the next first we have 2 weeks of crashing every 10 mins then a week of not being able to actually fight, we really need some fixes that work and soon
  • Nemesis7884
    The plan is to roll out an incremental patch that fixes nothing followed by a big one that does very little before the next chapter release that breaks more things closing the year off with further deterioration ^^
  • tonne.backlinderb16_ESO
    Some new items in Crown store perhaps?
  • Abyssmol
    The fix is coming with the new chapter. I promise!
  • MyPrist
    Need i wait for new game redawnload and broken skills ?
  • Mayrael
    I hope they will fix it but my experience tells me they have no idea how to do it, I'm afraid it won't get better.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Djiku
    The german Community Manager acknowledged on the german forums that they just scratched the surface of the problem with this latest patch. Would be nice to know what they intend to do next. If they keep on scratching it will take forever to fix anything.
  • fastolfv_ESO
    so wouldnt it be easier to just roll the whole thing back start over test it properly and try again? it seems to be what a rational company would do to an update so broken it makes your product unusable
  • Lysette
    Djiku wrote: »
    The german Community Manager acknowledged on the german forums that they just scratched the surface of the problem with this latest patch. Would be nice to know what they intend to do next. If they keep on scratching it will take forever to fix anything.

    They probably scratched their heads but not the problem. I mean what got better - character load sometimes fails, loading screens are even longer, stutter was introduced with the patch before the last one and client exit crashes are back - so what got better with this patch?

    The stutter is the worst - happens all the time when people are around and a lot of particle effects are used - why the heck does any new mount need that crap when it is summoned in the first place. It gets flashier and more broken all the time - tendency hello kitty, when will we get the first sailor moon outfit - hopefully never, but who knows. Fix these stutter issues it lets the game appear bad.
    Edited by Lysette on March 17, 2020 8:47AM
  • snoozy
    up next is a new crown crate season and continuing to ignore issues :trollface:
    PC EU
  • snoozy
    Djiku wrote: »
    The german Community Manager acknowledged on the german forums that they just scratched the surface of the problem with this latest patch. Would be nice to know what they intend to do next. If they keep on scratching it will take forever to fix anything.

    kai ehrenmann...
    the only one who actually speaks the truth for once
    PC EU
  • Mayrael
    I have and idea. Lets change ESO combat into Turned Based! We already have it implemented, just make it standard ;) Nothing would have to be fixed! Im just afraid that when trying to implementing it, they could actually fix the lags and make it once again fast paced combat :trollface:
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Czekoludek
    Why we didn't get info like that on english forum? Only German mods are obligated to do their job?
  • Knightpanther
    Complete game fix coming soon............................. to the crown store.

    Be safe
  • Gythral
    a lot more nothing

    Poor staff getting the flack for one mans issues!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Elo106
    Why cant they just give us some more info, all we ever get is "check your out of date addons".

    During the crash phase the lag was gone after "fixing" the crashes it lags worse than ever. So the no lag during the crash phase was due to low player count?

    How did fixing a crash break everything so bad that fighting npcs in cyrodiil doesnt work anymore?
  • Alienoutlaw
    Djiku wrote: »
    The german Community Manager acknowledged on the german forums that they just scratched the surface of the problem with this latest patch. Would be nice to know what they intend to do next. If they keep on scratching it will take forever to fix anything.

    ZoS are scratching with an infected finger
  • pma_pacifier
    Have you all tried disabling your add-ons or resetting your router?
    It's definitely not the server. In fact, after update 25 the server should be handle things more efficiently. The performance should have been improved with the much needed block change. It should feel better and smoother now especially with block. I'm not sure what's happening. Check out ESO's previous stream on the block change, they've explained the technicals very well.

    "Block is an ability that everyone can use at any time, which means it can create a lot of traffic for the server to handle. In our continued efforts to improve performance, we are adjusting how the ability works under the hood. You will still be able to do everything you used to with Block. What you’ll notice is animations will blend a bit differently out of a “block cancel”, but the effectiveness of an ability will remain and function the same; the ability will still fire when “block cancelled” but you won’t have any “dead time” before the global combat cooldown ends. This should also get rid of a few health desync issues when getting killing blows with abilities that have been triggered after a block cancel. By refactoring Block much the same way we did with Sprint in the previous Update, we expect the usage of that ability to be more performant."

    Edited by pma_pacifier on March 17, 2020 11:12AM
  • DukeDiewalker
    I said it before, I'll say it again: Revert the block changes completely :smile:

    (Also everyone in europe, stay at home pls, thank you)
  • Palidon
    If you haven't figured it out by now, ZOS cannot completely fix their broken game. They know it but they are not going to tell your that. Instead they will flood the forums with false promises or make excuses on why something in their game is not working as intended or is a performance issue problem. Normally they will blame issues on outdated add on's, internet connection etc. On their outdated add on excuse, many players who do not use add on's still experience the same issues.
    ZOS has made so many changes to their game, the problems those changes have caused has gotten out of hand.
  • TheRealCherokeee3
    I said it before, I'll say it again: Revert the block changes completely :smile:

    (Also everyone in europe, stay at home pls, thank you)
  • dotme
    Palidon wrote: »
    If you haven't figured it out by now, ZOS cannot completely fix their broken game... ZOS has made so many changes to their game, the problems those changes have caused has gotten out of hand.
    I don't want to believe this, but i have to admit it seems credible.

    The PS4 PvP Experience:

    Nov 7 to Feb 5 (91 Days total) - Crash to Dashboard every 60 minutes or less requiring full game restart.
    Feb 5 to Present (41 days and counting) - 2 or 3 second delays/lag on skills (even door repairs don't fire instantly) and Ultis not firing at all

    So we're at day 132 with no word on if it will ever be fixed.
  • Khumbu
    The fact is, the engine was stillborn and the devs have done a fantastic job making it as playable as it currently is.

    I truly believe the words of the German dev saying they've only scratched the surface because long loading times, lag, skills not firing off (especially in crowds), stuttering no matter how good your rig is, and other complaints have been around since launch. Heck, BETA.

    The engine is a janky mess and was from day 1, and it is now mired by years of spaghetti code and past whoopsies from old devs on top of it and I can't imagine what a nightmare it is to code now. Anyone else from the launch era can agree that the game should have never released in that state in the first place, and should have been allowed to 'cook' for longer and those bugs should have been addressed in the first place to save devs and players alike the longstanding headache. Launching it early has caused nothing but the need for a pyramid of frantic band-aids.

    At this point, you as a player can either be patient or move on. I'm not saying that in a spiteful, mean or trollish way - I'm saying it in a realistic way. The game is what it is. The devs are most likely doing the best they can.
  • Rhandee235
    Cancel ESO plus subscription (done), ignore the new chapter coming out, stop rewarding ZOS for this mess. Play game with friends and just deal with the continuing problems until a better pvp experience comes out.
  • TheFM
    Game is running smoother for me. I guess I'm the odd one out this time 😬
  • Djiku
    Palidon wrote: »
    If you haven't figured it out by now, ZOS cannot completely fix their broken game. They know it but they are not going to tell your that. Instead they will flood the forums with false promises or make excuses on why something in their game is not working as intended or is a performance issue problem. Normally they will blame issues on outdated add on's, internet connection etc. On their outdated add on excuse, many players who do not use add on's still experience the same issues.
    ZOS has made so many changes to their game, the problems those changes have caused has gotten out of hand.

    Exactly that. I do believe ZOS is trying but this game is utterly broken and they can just try to band aid certain aspects. But when they do that, new problems arise on another end of the game.
    I have come to believe that this game will never run the way it should. No matter what they do. So we can only live with what we are presented. That doesn't make it any better but at least for now I am willing to live with this mess. I really like the game but it is hard to like at times.
  • RavenLake
    The game looks good and runs great for me. I don't see the issue.
  • PrimusNephilim
    So todays update fixed absolutely nothing so whats next?

    More patches to fix all the new bugs, we'll get to the old ones after these other ones have been fixed (trying to remain optimistic here)
    ~ Cheers
  • Mayrael
    RavenLake wrote: »
    The game looks good and runs great for me. I don't see the issue.

    What hours do you play? What platform? What type of gameplay?
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Lysette
    the simple fact seems to be - the game isn't able to support a lot of players near to each other without to cause lots of issues. Basically it cannot fulfill the promises it made - and at some point we will have to come to pass with this fact and not expect something what will never happen -- for as long as the combat system and other features are not adapted to this fact.

    This is how I see it. Combat system and as well how effects and their visuals are handled needs a serious overhaul.

    The game runs absolutely fine when not many other people are around - and with the number of people around it gets increasingly worse. So this is an issue with the amount of people near to each other - something an MMO should be able to handle, because that is it's very purpose. Less people in a zone could help the issue - eventually campaigns with less people on each side or something like this. The combat system, as it is, is prone to cause issues due to too many effects, AoE, DoT and too many people near to each other (zergs). This doesn't just need a technical overhaul but as well a systemic one.
    Edited by Lysette on March 18, 2020 5:44AM
  • SmukkeHeks
    Was it the 1.4 that was the Tamriel One?

    Correct me if I remember wrong, but pre 1.4 Cyrodiil worked, right? Large scale fights that actually worked?

    Then the mess with T1. Which in my perspective only came to be because someone needed to twerk the gaming experience toward that of the CoD, Fortnite and those others fast in fast out type game. Player doesn’t need to take their time to learn, adapt, growing stronger to be able to pvp, it’s happening by the flick of a button. Spiced with the focus on micro transactions, rather than a long stretched strategy based around the wants to keep the fan base intrigued, is absolutely destroying the gaming experience for those that are demanding more, other, than just the fast pvp.

    Those roles, that are needed to keep the battlegrounds up and running, apparently also creates its fair share of troubles. If I could have a saying, I would remove that, create it as F2P and let that disconnect totally from the rest. The three banners War are the only thing of relevance to the coherent story.

    I wouldn’t be sad if they rolled it all back to pre-T1. Forced the team to re-visit it the zones, letting the new players start as the captive and getting that “I need to be better before I’m gonna kill that” back.

    But that would need a management ready to admit former bad choices. Admit they weren’t killing it. Admit they didn’t listen to the players. Admit they haven’t set foot inside own game in a while. Admit it wasn’t about gaming, enjoyment, team play, but merely about money, fame and what ever follows with that
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