Hmmm. I see what you mean about the mundus stones. The shadow supports "Critical Strike Damage" while the thief supports "Critical Strike Chance". What's a bit confusing about these descriptors is that only shadow uses Damage, but both use the word Strike. So damage certainly means elevated crit applied to an enemy, and not to healing, But wouldn't strike also make the same implication, that the crit elevation is offensive in nature?
I'm wondering if there is a way to test this with an addon or something.
Just remember, to heal someone, you have to strike them with a healing spell.
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »Having a high crit chance does help heals by increasing the size of your heals, but its an RNG chance for you to hit those big heal numbers, and therefore, some healers like myself choose to focus on having stronger base heals via spell power, powered traits, big magika pools rather than rely on high crit chance. My crit chance is only around 40%, but my heals are strong enough base that if I don't hit a critical heal, I don't need to worry about it.
IMO, sustain is probably a healers most important attribute, and after that, magika pool. You don't necessarily need obscene spell power to be a good healer since most heals are pretty strong to begin with. Crit chance is nice, but not a necessity.
Just IMO.