Incapacitating Strike: This Ultimate no longer silences the target, but instead stuns them for 3 seconds if cast with 120 or more Ultimate. This change was primarily done to fix an issue where the unique silence applied from this ability conflicted with some recent hard-coded block behaviors.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »Your no dmg cc goes through block and dodge and is occasionally wonky to break. Only cc worse is fossilize.
Eso used a looooong time to get ridd of that "manshit" (incap -->stunnnnnn<--) and nows it`s back. I feel sorry for "new" players inn cyrodiil, they are gonna bleed hard...toyfood for nb`s.
ooooor..Maybe this change was to promote that anti-stun set inn harrowstorm? maaaybe..
What I'd like to see is this new Incap stun either be unblockable or maybe Zenimax could attach a special effect to the ultimate such as disabling block for X seconds if you hit someone blocking with it, as a compensation for how this skill (and NB in general) has become weaker against permablockers.
ColoredScreams wrote: »This is completely irrelevant once you realize that the new incap stuns through block.
Littlebluelizard wrote: »Decimus I think you might be the only Nightblade that is not happy with this change. I remember magblades taking incap solely because of the stun, but after they removed it no one even dared to look at that morph, especially since SH has major defile. Sniker is probably getting some hair back because he malded so much on NB silence being a detriment for StamNB.
If you really want to deal with tanks, Soul Harvest is way better than Incap for that since it doenst matter if they have 30k HP if they cant heal for ***.What I'd like to see is this new Incap stun either be unblockable or maybe Zenimax could attach a special effect to the ultimate such as disabling block for X seconds if you hit someone blocking with it, as a compensation for how this skill (and NB in general) has become weaker against permablockers.
What????? Are you actually insane? A 120 ult that disables block????? Do you even realize what this would do to the game? How much QQ you would get from players? Oh I got hit by this skill guess I cant block anymore this is so fuuun!!!!!!!!!
Look, I understand your frustration, this isnt a meta NB exceels and they are also a little bit weaker than they should on top of that, but that doesn't mean you should ask the devs to make the class OP. Instead ask for actual small buffs that still makes the class balanced and more fun.
You want good examples? Fine, why don't you ask to remove Incap cast time? Why don't you ask them to remove minimal travel time from Spectral bow? Both those changes will help with timing your burst and making the class not feel like you are playing with 300ms+.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »Your no dmg cc goes through block and dodge and is occasionally wonky to break. Only cc worse is fossilize.
I don't know if it's just me, but half the nightblades i fight are desyncing me like crazy, elemental weapon overload sorcs too, but nightblades are insane this patch, you have 30k hp and 1 second later all your resources drained to zero and you 5 nightblades skills on death recap.
And I agree about the wonky break free which is delayed or unusable at all after getting incap, mass hysteria leap streak and fossilize.
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »Your no dmg cc goes through block and dodge and is occasionally wonky to break. Only cc worse is fossilize.
You realise that Incap has a cast time and Grim Focus has a min travel time? You won't hit any of these abilities after using fear, it's a completely useless CC unless you are zerging someone down. It used to give us maim and a snare, both is gone, there's literally no reason to slot this skill anymore.
Edit: apparently Incap does stun through block now (this was not mentioned anywhere in the patch notes) - editing this original post so there's no misinformation.
I do hope that ZOS decides to keep the stun, but makes it blockable once Silence is fixed and reintroduces Silence as an alternative CC of this skill (stun if not blocked, silence if blocked). I feel this'd be a good compromise between people who want to keep the silence & people who want a stun.
Old post:Assassination
Incapacitating Strike: This Ultimate no longer silences the target, but instead stuns them for 3 seconds if cast with 120 or more Ultimate. This change was primarily done to fix an issue where the unique silence applied from this ability conflicted with some recent hard-coded block behaviors.
Alright, so while a lot of NBs are probably happy about this change as stun>silence vs a lot of builds, it does also leave a huge gap in the NB offensive arsenal as stuns do not go through block.
Before you feel like writing something about fear, please note that fear is a zero damage CC that consumes a global cooldown on a class without strong DoTs and delayed burst. In other words, all it does against players with good reaction time is waste your (and their) resources rather than move your target's health pool closer to zero.
In fact, using fear can often result in negative burst if your target has heal over times active (as then the damage dealt:damage outhealed ratio during Fear tips in favour of the defender).
Why did Incap silence matter then? Because Incap silence went through block, dealt a decent amount of damage (even through block) and prevented your target from cleansing your DoTs, Zaan proc/whatever & healing back up while holding block - often resulting in them dropping into execute and dying as opposed to CC breaking, dodging or blocking & healing back up again, as is the case with Fear as a CC.
What I'd like to see is this new Incap stun either be unblockable or maybe Zenimax could attach a special effect to the ultimate such as disabling block for X seconds if you hit someone blocking with it, as a compensation for how this skill (and NB in general) has become weaker against permablockers.
I understand the change from Silence->Stun wasn't made because of balance reasons but because of bugs with the new block behaviour, but if there was a workaround for ZOS to make it a bit closer to previous iteration in its functionality that'd be a welcome change in this current tank meta.