Vampire should be nothing like WW, vamp passives should always be active, and the Vampire Lord should be a short duration ultra buff.
Vampires dont lose their powers just becuase they arent a Vampire Lord Monster. Werewolves though have to transform to use most of it.
Vampire should be nothing like WW, vamp passives should always be active, and the Vampire Lord should be a short duration ultra buff.
Vampires dont lose their powers just becuase they arent a Vampire Lord Monster. Werewolves though have to transform to use most of it.
imagine us finally getting vampire lord and it being a short duration ultra buff.
I don't think their abilities should be locked behind vamp lord either, but if vampire lord gives us anything other than a new bar of skills I think people will be ticked. A vampire lord using a staff/sword/shield/bow just wouldn't look right. Also a vamp lord firing off magic that isn't vamp magic wouldn't look right either.
Don't even get me started if a vamp lord was able to use class skills and the player just so happens to be a templar...
Considering there is still a feeding design to get into and stay in different vamp levels it seems that we will still be a vamp 100% of the time and access to the passives will still be bassed on what level we are at.
Argonianwerecroc212 wrote: »If they made vampire Lord where you can transform whenever you want I think ww should get the same treatment to be fair.
In your opinion. Plenty don't want a necro ult re-skin, sorry to say.
You're also more than likely wrong. Do you even understand the amount of backlash they'd get if after all these years vamp lord is just a re-skin of an ult that already exists?
I think they'll either do something completely new with this or if worse comes to worse it'll be kinda similar to werewolf.
Vampire should be nothing like WW, vamp passives should always be active, and the Vampire Lord should be a short duration ultra buff.
Vampires dont lose their powers just becuase they arent a Vampire Lord Monster. Werewolves though have to transform to use most of it.
imagine us finally getting vampire lord and it being a short duration ultra buff.
I don't think their abilities should be locked behind vamp lord either, but if vampire lord gives us anything other than a new bar of skills I think people will be ticked. A vampire lord using a staff/sword/shield/bow just wouldn't look right. Also a vamp lord firing off magic that isn't vamp magic wouldn't look right either.
Don't even get me started if a vamp lord was able to use class skills and the player just so happens to be a templar...