I levelled a toon up via PVP with little issues pre-patch, now it's post 'clean up' (supposedly) it's SO much worse. Constant freezing, terrible lag, huge delays, abilities not working, bars won't switch, getting kicked to login and I even got stuck in some kind of mount bug where I couldn't switch bars or mount up.
Also the awful solo queue decision seems to have driven an extra large amount of sweatlords into pre-50 PVP with super-geared twinks to get their kicks, so thanks for making that even more of a broken unbalanced mess than it already was. Pre-50 BGs are about as welcoming to new and non-crafted players as a tank full of sharks and pirahnas and as balanced as a 1-legged chair.
Is it REALLY that difficult to implement a solo queue AND a team queue? Because I've seen cash shop whale loving FREE TO PLAY mmos manage to do it...