Let me say some thing before I start, this is merely a suggestion, not an "order" meaning I'm not saying these should be in the game, it is merely an idea that I think would benefit some of us, this is my opinion and not many of you might agree with it, but I frankly don't give a ***.
So I personally we should be able to have mods on the elder scrolls online, some people lose interest in the game simply because for them some parts are unfair, i.e. item flipping, it is extremely harder and way more time consuming and is sometime way less profitable than on PC, some people are over selling stuff because they don't know the price, some people are under selling stuff because they think the item is less worth than it is.
Another example is harvest map, how are we supposed to know where the materials are without running around, you do not know how many nodes are missed just because of this, when you could have made half a million in just a few hours by farming mats, you barely make 50k, same thing with chests, you could be farming popular overland sets such as spriggans, mother's sorrow or seventh legion etc but you miss some of the chests maybe because it was too dark or you didn't even know where it is.
Maybe you wanna level up mages guild, how the *** are you supposed to know where each and evey loreboom is? If you are champion level and wanna get skill points, where are the skyshards?
What if you wanna preview something but you can't because it is a plan, and than you have to Google search it which isn't that bad but can be time consuming. What if you wanna know which buffs and debuffs and how long it lasts, you can see it if you change it in the settings but it isn't as helpful.
What if you for example have OCD or just want your inventory generally organised and not have to scroll all the way down just to find something or if you generally don't like the way the inventory system works or looks.
Sorry got on bit of a rant there.. Anyway sorry for clunky writing I'm on phone.